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Is this for real? Russian news channel spills the beans about the existence of Nibiru and 2012?

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posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by XplanetX

You mention ice cores and then mkae a post to someone else's unsubstantiated post that is not related in any way to any of this discussion. So what?

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 08:29 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by XplanetX

You mention ice cores and then mkae a post to someone else's unsubstantiated post that is not related in any way to any of this discussion. So what?

Did you check the references?

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 08:38 PM
reply to post by DJW001

DJW001, it should also be pointed out that studies showed than a highly eccentric orbit as proposed would not be stable and that the object would return at varying intervals. The orbits would continue to change until the object was either ejected from the solar system or changed to an orbit with a low eccentricity.

posted on Aug, 17 2011 @ 08:54 PM
reply to post by spikey

I encourage you to read the following article:

It's about the mysteries surrounding mass dinosaur burial grounds, especially the Morrison boundary & DNM quarry.
From article:

A staggering quantity of volcanic materials, estimated at more than 4,000 cubic miles,16 occurs within the thin but widespread Brushy Basin Member in Wyoming, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. No volcano is known within the boundary of the Morrison deposit, no local lava flows are known within the Morrison boundary, and geologists place the nearest explosive volcanic source vents in southern California or Nevada.17 How these coarse volcanic materials in such colossal quantities were distributed on so wide a scale remains a mystery. Imagine an exploding volcano in southern California that rained half-inch-diameter pumice and lapilli fragments on Utah and Colorado. That would be a most extraordinary eruption.

At the DNM quarry, the bones are found in three distinct intervals within the 50-foot-thick, channel-shaped Quarry sandstone. The three sandstone "channels" scour into the surfaces beneath, and experts have struggled to imagine the kind of "rivers" that each of the channels represent. The notion taught for decades at the Quarry Visitor Center by DNM rangers, that dinosaurs were washed up on a point bar along the bank of a meandering river, is now discredited.21 Bones are especially concentrated in the bottoms, not the sides, of the scour channels. The sand grains and pebbles in the sandstone are dominantly composed not of quartz, the typical river sediment, but of altered tuff and chert fragments of probable volcanic origin. The lowest of the three levels, where dinosaur bones are most abundant, contains isolated larger pebbles dispersed in a sandy matrix, a texture unlike that of normal rivers. The texture and composition of the lower interval suggests deposition from a muddy suspension, not normal bedload transport in a river. Mudflows associated with catastrophic floods during the recent eruptions at Mount St. Helens volcano produced fluidized sediment slurries in wide river valleys and deposited similar textures.22 The upper two intervals of the Quarry sandstone, where dinosaur bones are less abundant, have noteworthy scour surfaces with cross beds of sand and pebbles indicating eastward transport of muddy and sandy sediment over large dune structures by very fast water currents. We can imagine dinosaur carcasses suspended buoyantly in a denser-than-water flow. How far they floated is unknown, but the process of suspension may have not been very abrasive. Clams, snails and logs were also moved with the volcanic pebbles and carcasses within the slurry. As deposition of sediment and carcasses occurred, the remaining flow became enriched in water going from a muddy, slurry suspension current to a less-muddy traction current. The deposit itself gives us an impression of a very catastrophic water-burial event.

edit on 17-8-2011 by Afterthought because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 12:45 AM
I am intriged by the visiable aspects of elenin but more concerned by the massive graviety well in it's
wake only a massive object could alter the orbital parrameters of the planets orbiting our own sun and a comet is not big enough.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:50 AM
I've found an interesting video on YouTube (many there disagree, however). It is about one hour in length. It was just posted on August 15, and he discusses the Elenin "comet" discovered by "Leonid Elenin"...BUT...he says it is NO comet and NASA named it.

Leonid Elenin = name of Russian astronomer who named "Elenin" after himself? I found a good picture of this man on this link:

The man in the video said NASA used "Leonid Elenin" as a "cover name" for the following:
LEO = from the constellation Leo
NID = National Institute of Defense
ELENIN = Extinction Level Event Near Impact Nibiru

Even though I wasn't particularly happy in the beginning with the presentation - including a warning of something "big" supposed to have happened yesterday, I was glad to have stuck with it. Therefore, if anyone wishes to see more information about whether or not this is "Nibiru" (and NOT a comet) and/or why NASA/our government has been covering this up for several years, here is another man's view on this YouTube link:
2012 The TRUTH You're NOT being TOLD The clock runs out Sep 25th 2011

For what it's worth, perhaps you might be interested in watching it. Again, just my two cents worth? One cent?

edit on 18-8-2011 by Delora because: Addendum: I'm editing the link to Leonid Elenin's photo...I gave just the picture and not the website that contains his picture. So I'm replacing the link at this time.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 03:53 AM
reply to post by Delora

2 Mins into the Video he predicts and went public that on August 17th there will be a massive earth quake between Alaska and San Francisco. Well its August the 18th and I didn't see anything on the news. So why should we believe any of his other predictions?

The other question I have is how can there be any alignment when Elenin orbital path is inclined to our oribital path by nearly 2 degree's? For any aligment to occur surley Elenin needs to be aligned to our orbital plane?

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 04:23 AM
The answer is a simple no. These books do not show what is claimed. Newer images do not show anything like pyramids or faces on Mars. The newer images with higher resolution show simple hills not structures.

Hoaglund is a well known hoaxer and he is making money at it. That is why he writes hoaxes.

Have you read the scientific analysis on the 'newer' images and what the imaging specialists have said about them? If not then this conversation is probably a little pointless.

edit on 18-8-2011 by Razor7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 05:00 AM
reply to post by Razor7

thats right.
And yes, he seems to be a Hoaxer making money, as others like Greer, Lear, Sitchin, Däniken etc etc etc..

its interesting how easily people get distracted today with Sci-Fi stories..

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 05:16 AM
reply to post by Razor7

exactly. everything comes down to green dollar bills in the end. for anyone with a bit of vivid imagination its easy to earn the quick bucks over the gullible and frightened. sitchin did, von däniken did, the swiss dude (billy meier) who turned out to have manipulated photos and passed them off as ufo's did, plus the latter was charged and jailed for being a fraud.

they keep exploiting people's fears of the doomsday and zealous christians (no matter if consciously or not) serve their illicit purposes by pumping up the oh so "its the eeehehend tihahahames" humbug with a vibrating tone (like the old hag in stephen king's the mist), shame on them! the same money making hype goes also for the middle aged women who keep on writing books on the whole horse pile called new age. earning your slice of bread is too hard and painful, stop filling the pockets of the charlatans with your hard earned money and keep on with your own business as your earnings are too valuable for ending up in the pockets of such frauds. rain on their parade. and try to enjoy your life to the most possible extent.
edit on 18-8-2011 by jamsession because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Afterthought

I'm sorry, but that article is from a creationist website and that makes anything they state as suspect. Creationists twist the data to fit their predefined agenda.

If anyone wants to read better information on the Morrison formation here are some links:

Brushy Basin Member: Much finer-grained than the Salt Wash Member, the Brushy Basin Member is dominated by mudstone rich in volcanic ash. Rivers flowed from the west into a basin that contained a giant, saline alkaline lake called Lake T'oo'dichi' and extensive wetlands that were located just west of the modern Uncompahgre Plateau.

Floodplain red mudstones and variegated smectitic mudstones dominate the 85m-thick Brushy Basin strata; minor river-channel sandstones are incised into resistant caliche paleosols. Channel sandstones occur in twelve zones at Fruita Paleontological Resource Area (FP) and six at Trail Through Time (TT).

Floodplain red mudstones are highly smectitic, reflecting vigorous volcanic activity west of the study area, with silicic ashes carried eastward by the prevailing winds.

In the Brushy Basin shale member, montmorillonite predominates in the northwestern part of the Colorado Plateau, but illite, chlorite and mixed-layer clay minerals increase in abundance toward the south. The latter assemblage of mlnerals occurs in the Westwater Canyon sandstone member and for that reason the southern part of the Brushy Basin shale member is interpreted as being in part a clay facies of the Westwater Canyon sandstone member. The parent rock of the montmorillonite in the Brushy Basin member was chiefly volcanic material, as is shown by occasional replaced and preserved shard structures, incompletely decomposed glass, euhedral mica and associated feldspar grains. The illite- and chlorite-rich portion may be a mixture of volcanic and sedimentary-derived detritus. The clay fraction of the sandstone of the Jackpile is dominantly kaolinite with minor amounts of mixed-layer illite-montmorillonte, but the mudstone of the member is mainly illite-montmorillonite and illite-chlorite.

There is no need for volcanoes or volcanic flows in the Morrison as the creationist site suggests is needed. And no explosive volcanoes are needed either. Furthermore the material is not course grained as suggested by the creationist site. So when the fakers at the creationist site ask you to imagine, you don't need to. What you need to ask yourself is why they chose to mislead.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 07:20 AM
reply to post by pantheria

I am intriged by the visiable aspects of elenin but more concerned by the massive graviety well in it's
wake only a massive object could alter the orbital parrameters of the planets orbiting our own sun and a comet is not big enough.

There is no such thing as a gravity in it's wake. Gravity extends outward evenly in all directions.

There is no measurable effect on the known planets being caused by the comet.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 07:23 AM
reply to post by Razor7

Have you read the scientific analysis on the 'newer' images and what the imaging specialists have said about them? If not then this conversation is probably a little pointless.

What hoaxer are you relying on? You sure fell for Hoaglund's story hook line and sinker.

So please tell us all which hoax you are peddling now.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Delora

It would help if there was a National Institute of Defense. Not only is there no National Institute of Defense in the US, I can't seem to find one anywhere. The closest I come is the National Institute of Defense Studies in Japan.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 09:33 AM
reply to post by Delora

Delora = DEL + ORA

DEL = DTRA Experimentation Lab (DTRA = Defense Threat Reduction Agency, which is part of the US Department of Defense)

ORA = Office of Research and Application, which is part of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

So, based on your screen name, it sounds like you, Delora, are involved with some sort of Defense Department experiment project that has something to do with the reduction of a national security threat to the oceans and/or the atmosphere.

Jeez -- What exactly ARE you up to, hmmm???

Obviously you are probably not involved with a Defense department experiment to reduce a national security threat to our oceans and atmosphere, but see how easy it is to twist names and acronyms. I just can't believe that Momma and Papa Elenin were thinking about the acronyms for the constellation Leo and the National Institute of Defense (whatever that is, if it even exists) when they were naming their new baby boy all those years ago.

edit on 8/18/2011 by Soylent Green Is People because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

I'm the source, enjoy the next few weeks to come, for after 9/11 things go down hill fast

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 11:24 AM

Originally posted by ASilentWitness
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

I'm the source, enjoy the next few weeks to come, for after 9/11 things go down hill fast

Okay -- Then (in a nutshell) what specific information has you believing this is true?

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by stereologist

Thanks for offering other sources. I truly had no idea that the site I linked to was a creationist's creation and the article is just a flawed and misconstrued creation.

I'll be sure to read the articles you linked to and sift through the differences to find the where the actual facts of the mystery lie.

posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by Delora

so thats what,, that ,,,was all about?
you have been using this ATS site as a drop off?


gee they cracked that code too fast or what? lol
edit on 18-8-2011 by BobAthome because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by jamsession
reply to post by Razor7

exactly. everything comes down to green dollar bills in the end. for anyone with a bit of vivid imagination its easy to earn the quick bucks over the gullible and frightened. sitchin did, von däniken did, the swiss dude (billy meier) who turned out to have manipulated photos and passed them off as ufo's did, plus the latter was charged and jailed for being a fraud.

When was he jailed for fraud i cant find anything about it alot of people say he should be jailed but i cant find any links to say that he was.

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