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What is string theory?

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posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 09:25 PM

The last I read on the theory, there is estimated between 7-11 integrated dimensions, realities, here on this planet alone. And that these membranes are like others in that osmosis can and does occur. And there is a cross over in realities. If you think about it, this would account for a great deal of paranormal experience. Like shadow people, space ships, weird animals, ghosts, etc... right on down the line. Through physics they are trying to prove"string theory" and hope to have conclusive evidence in 2020.

Have you ever noticed that everything is going to arrive at 2012-2025? Go figure!


posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 09:44 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
Is super string theory different from string theory? I started to read about higher dimensional spaces and got loss along the way dam that stuff weird.

Yes. Superstring theory is one of the two main types of string theory. The other type is bosonic string theory. In bosonic string theory (26dimensions), you have only bosons which are particles that transmit forces and no matter (fermions). In the second type, superstring theory(10dimensions), you have supersymmetry between forces and matter (equal bosons and fermions). There are five subtypes of superstring theory. Check this link for the subtypes:

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 11:12 PM
26 dimensions 10 dimensions yeah this stuff is starting to mess with my head like quantum mechanics. The universe or wait multiverse is a weird place getting weirder all the time.

M theory, the Mother of all theories. seems pretty interesting

posted on Aug, 18 2004 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by ShadowXIX
26 dimensions 10 dimensions yeah this stuff is starting to mess with my head like quantum mechanics. The universe or wait multiverse is a weird place getting weirder all the time.
M theory, the Mother of all theories. seems pretty interesting

Well, they'll have the M theory, and then it will have several types and then they will try to find a more general or unified theory, may be the grandM theory! I agree with you that its getting weirder all the time. As I said it in another thread, are we trying to make it too complex? Are we ever going to find the ultimate theory that explains our universe? I think the answer is no. May be a human mind just doesn't have the capacity to solve all the mysteries of the universe, or does it?

posted on Aug, 19 2004 @ 12:17 AM
I sometimes think the universe found a way to understand itself and that way is life. Maybe humans have a small piece of the grand puzzle that is the universe. Perhaps there are other players in this game we call science other races on other worlds each with their own piece of the puzzle.
Hopefully someday we can all come together and put our pieces all into place and truly understand the whole picture.

posted on Aug, 20 2004 @ 02:29 PM
Watch these very informative videos.

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