posted on Apr, 3 2003 @ 02:15 AM
to what i understand about nostra is like this
he is a jews convert to christian,he learn a lot like history,geography,math,astronomy and some other knowledge,the name antichrist name came in since
bible time long before jesus it use to believe prophet moses
do know about this famous guy (antichrist) but to nowaday did person most western people believe is this antichrist is islam by religion where he try
to dominate this world.but to all the islam people believe this antichrist is a jews who actualy poses the most advanced military power so the main
point is most people agree this guys is super comander who will invade libya,iran,egypt in order to slow the muslim control in mideast region. after
a long years i been read
nostra phrophecies most of the writing is actually are write in ASTRONOMICAL CODE so that why nostra didnt
want any person who dont have any knowledge in astronomy read his book cos this can make a diffrent
the real life drama seen by nostra killing,raping,torturing
nation being killed by nuklear blast,chem weapon using in scotland and england i m wondering only german he did say a safe country in europe where
else other country on it way to doom