posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 09:38 PM
Hello Thinair1.
From experience.
1. Search out a hunter education program. Here in the broke state of Ohio it is mandatory. These programs are invaluable for the beginner
2. locate State or Federal lands that allow hunting.
3. Ask permission on all other lands and get written permission.
4. Since you are new to the field always hunt with a partner (just try not to shoot him, good partners are hard to come by..)
5. With your 12 ga. shot gun, use slugs only. DO NOT USE sabot slugs in a smooth bore. Do not use bird shot or buck shot. It is illegal to use on
deer as well as being ineffective.
6. You may not be able to hook up with other hunters initially so when in the field watch where others go and what they do and how they dress and and
and etc.
7.Be familiar on the basics on how to gut the animal prior to processing. I have seen more than once a hunter bringing in a deer that is un-gutted.
Now that Sh!% is funny !!!!
8. Hunt the edges of woods and fields not deep into the woods
9. Sun up and sun down are good times to hunt (animals are moving to and from feed areas) as well as noon time when other hunters are leaving the
field for lunch.
10. Dress for the weather
11. Learn the habits of your prey
12. Do not get impatient. Experience only comes with time , success and mistakes.
13. Be safe. always have your safety on never a finger on the trigger unless your ready to fire.
Welcome to the family Thinair1
edit on 11-8-2011 by BioSafe because: (no reason given)