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Authorities considering social media restrictions and curfews, UK prime minister says, after days of

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posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 03:56 PM
reply to post by katseyes

i am with jesus when it comes to the rich, what was that about the camel and needle, and the bit about beware the money lenders, they steal house from widows? so hate is a bit strong , angered morelike, like when jesus knocked over the money tables in gods temple.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by allintoaccount
reply to post by lifeform11

they shut our youthclubs down in the 90's,the poor can no longer afford to go swimming, they cant afford to join a sports team, they do not have holidays, a 3 mile busride for a family of 4 is 9 pounds... the rich Has priced the poor out of society,privatise this ,privatise that, fat bastard shareholders who could afford to by shares now get my money for my bins being emptied. why should some fat bastard shareholder profit out of my bins,buses,health, schools? all this while the tax burden on the poor rose and fell for the rich. WELL I HOPE YOU RICH PEOPLE OF THE UK FEEL ALL NICE AND SAFE. BECAUSE THE MOB IS COMING AND ITS ALL YOUR FAULT YOU GREEDY BASTARDS.
edit on 11-8-2011 by allintoaccount because: (no reason given)

I agree with you about the greed at the top, it went way beyond anything we would possibly recognise greed with Thatcher. This is the result of Thatcherism and so are these main parties. Blair got in because he adopted a lot of the Tory policies. Sure they taxed the BIG Corporations to begin with, then they paved their paths with golden contracts.

This Con/Lib coalition are in now and they are going to continue with the pillaging of the poor.

Peaceful non compliance is the way though. Not looting small traders and breaking up your home.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by allintoaccount
reply to post by katseyes

i am with jesus when it comes to the rich, what was that about the camel and needle, and the bit about beware the money lenders, they steal house from widows? so hate is a bit strong , angered morelike, like when jesus knocked over the money tables in gods temple.

"Beware the bankers" simple rule and you will get through life


posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by lifeform11

so the kids ignored at school have the capacity to set up their own sports team, who is going to pay the fees, ground rent? what about the unemployable? what about the quarter of society who have an iq of less than 80. i dont mean to be rude but you need help in grasping the reality of modern britain. by the way they shut our youthclubs in the 90's.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:14 PM
reply to post by Cobaltic1978
well i dont see these small buisness owners championing social fairness. they wil still pay as little as they possibly can to their employees and in tax. we must tax the rich hard.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by allintoaccount

yes i remember them shutting them, i also remember some of them being burnt down and never replaced.

do you want to know where you get the funding for things? you ask people. you ask charities, the princes trust whoever you can. there are people in these gangs who do have the funds, some of them get dole money 18/19 or are employed. there are five a sides you can do, everybody chips in 3-4 quid, it is not much but better than spending it on booze or weed.

but the people that usually invested in such things were people from the local community, you know the ones that are usually terrorised these days and now see no reason to help out.

infact edit to add: it seems to me there is also a culture of 'if things are not handed to you on a plate then people give up and complain', what ever happen to coming up with an idea and working hard to get funding and see it through to materilse infront of your eyes. the first thing that needs to happen is members of the community not being terrorised to increase the chances of somebody who is slighty better off deciding to set up and create the team for the local lads in the community. but even currently there is nothing stoping these lads from putting down the beer can and creating the change they want to see instead of destroying it and making things worse.

hopefully i have pointed out why destroying communites and robbing people and targetting innocent people in the comminuty does not increase your prosepcts.

edit on 11-8-2011 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-8-2011 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-8-2011 by lifeform11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 06:05 PM
These restrictions won't be used to quell legitimate protest, will they?

I think we all know the answer to that.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 07:44 PM
Personally speaking,

I have laughed so hard every time I have seen Dave Cameron try act tough in Parliament today. The powers that be are more than happy creating a substantial class divide though manipulating the media for the masses and making people so frustrated that a spark sets them ablaze - then he has the cheek to condemn them.

You can't poke a dog with a sharp stick and not expect it to bite back.

The joke is they (Gov through media) tried to make a race issue out of it which its not (Source: I live here) and yes - people looted but if you flaunt the fact you spent billions on the Olympics preparations and yet let your countrymen and women starve...not cricket Davey Boy...not cricket at all...

You seriously need to watch these two episodes aired so far of 'Geordie Finishing School for Girls'...I was so embarrassed by it as there were very 'well to do' upper class members of society completely trashing anyone who's 'Mummy and Daddy' didn't own a Mercedes.

The real problem is the Gov have been hiking food prices, lowering wages and benefits for the out of work in society (again due to no work available - thanks Dave again!) or picking on the disabled so they have to feel more embarrassed then they already do....then poor Dave has got to fly back from his sunny holiday...shame...

A Police state is coming and the way they treated the disabled reminded me or Nazi Germany - with the policies on the sick and disabled...

Just my two pennies worth...

J S Wintersong

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 09:18 PM
Yeah, take away the kids social network sites and place them under a curfew.. That'll calm em down

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 01:11 AM
The PM is "considering this", and "contemplating" that - mulling over changes to this and that - blah, blah, blah...

I've heard it all before, and it's a typical British reaction to a serious issue. All talk, no action. Period. Stick your head in the sand and hope for the best basically. Then "deal" with the next mess when it inevitably comes with more rhetoric and gum-flapping ...

Ho hum...

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 03:25 AM
reply to post by RogerT

Funny how only a month or 2 ago, the meetings at the bilderberg conventions leaked that they wanted censorship on the internet etc, and now we see these incidents taking place, I heard it from the beginning where they were talking about social media etc being used by the looters, and said to my wife, internet censorship here we come. Strange how these things happen, if only the masses would wake up and see through all the bs that is around us all.

How many times before we finally say enough is enough, the tactics are the same time and time again, and we NEVER do anything about it. If you let someone screw you, they will continue to do it, difference is that we are allowing it to be done to us as a nation. 6000 people control the worlds resources, there are nearly 7 billion of us in this world, and yet we still let them screw us, we deserve everything we get if we cant learn to stand up and say enough is enough.

Perhaps we need to have a new political leadership of some type, there is nothing that says we have to have a government, it is just what has been practised in our country, it is not written into law. I fear that when people do eventually see through the smokescreen en mass, it will all be too late.

Just keep telling us flouride is good for us, eventually we will believe you, honestly.

Let us not forget old Cam's outrage at the Murdoch(who is he?) stuff, but Cam is well aware of Echelon, which is far far worse than anything Murdochs papers have ever done, and yet , it continues, wonder why?

edit on 12-8-2011 by brommas because: added more

edit on 12-8-2011 by brommas because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 03:51 AM
reply to post by jimbo999


And if they did impose curfews and other restrictions that would backfire on a massive scale and only give justification for ordinary people and the disenfranchised citizens to protest about the real issues behind these riots. Me thinks the kettle is beginning to boil!!!

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 06:37 AM

Originally posted by JennaDarling

Originally posted by allintoaccount
The army will not help because they are
skinter than most people and they cant find social housing nevermind afford a mortgage,
This is turning into a civil war between the rich and the poor. the rich use tatics like media blackouts and the curtailing off civil liberties and the poor will just burn the place down. Its about the rich britains seeing sense and supporting their fellow countrymen instead of thinking they are worth more than a labourer who outworks them 5 to 1. Come on people wake up? in britain the poor give more to charity than the rich misers. says it all doesnt it?

Yeah it does, and there was a study recently that concluded the Rich are have less empathy than the poor.

That study is right.

Got a source to that study? I want to see the sample size.


posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by JennaDarling

Funny how other countries in Northern Europe are not crying bankrupcy, or crying about high taxes (they are higher than the UK's) and crying about a failing healthcare system, or transport system or paying for education fees. Infact they are far better off and prouder.

Ooops. I guess you don't live in those other Northern European countries.
I live in one of them, on the border of another and can tell you, it's the same thing all over as far as I can see.
Sure, each country has its own particular vibe, but mostly, it's the same.
Perhaps some of the ATS'ers can fill in the blanks.

posted on Aug, 12 2011 @ 12:52 PM
Hi all - I'm back again on this thread,

RogerT I have no idea why people think Britain is the only one with its citizens being bent over the Social Divide and constantly taking it with a smile and saying thank you afterwards. I have travelled around some of Europe and I know a lot of the countries citizens are screaming out for change as it seems criminal laws and social rules are only in place to make the fat cats fatter and the poor people worse off. I am not sure who said it is just the UK as that’s not right but I do think something needs to be done about it very soon as this seems to be a ticking time bomb - not just culturally but globally which really will case one hell of a mess when the fuse burns down.

Where do we start?

J S Wintersong

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 11:48 AM
so let me see if i got jist of this. armed cops shoot a man they have on ground man had not fired at police .
cop shoots radio an implied he was fired upon but it was determined bullet came from police issue mp5. public is pissed they tale to streets and start rioting supposedly using social media networks to plan their riots
riots generally mean free for alls . in my opinion they want to stop real news from being transmitted by social media because they cant control what people are reporting.. i don't believe that somebody posted a flash riot event time and location on twitter. do i think somebody leaked what actually happened to this victim yes. do i think these bobbies need to be investigated by outside investigators yes. instead of bringing in us antigang consultant they might need to bring in la internal affairs team or interpol investigators.l why do you need a TAC TEAM WITH FULL
AUTO MP 5S to take down one guy riding in a mini cab?

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:10 PM

Originally posted by Misoir
It took him long enough to finally realize what needs to be done in his country. The violent youth should not have the control they do, it is not their right to vandalize, loot, and arson. If it takes a harsh government crackdown on social media, face coverings, and implementation of curfews I say go for it, I applaud David Cameron for standing up to the thugs, because someone has to.

I know this opinion will be hated by the ATS crowd who has nothing but utter contempt for every action of government authority but I do not, to me this is the enforcement of law and order. If it must come at the barrel of a gun to subdue these criminals then so be it.

^^ I stand by this post only if the suggested new laws are short-term, ending when the rioting/looting does. If not, disregard this post.
edit on 8/11/2011 by Misoir because: (no reason given)

Good sheep, obey..

"enforcement of law and order"

I'll bet people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya would like to see some "enforcement of law and order"..

As long as blair/bushbama war mongering liars et al are un-tried, it sends the message that "enforcement of law and order" only applies to surfs.. the ruling class can lie-launch wars into being that kill untold thousands.. while committing larceny on a national scale.. and there won't be so much as a non-bias criminal investigation.

Meanwhile some kid frustrated at the omnipresent gaggle of useless liar tyrant war mongering sphincters called "the govt".. goes out and articulates his rage with a rock... and there's a full investigation, charges and media attention galore.

If govts don't apply laws & rules to "leaders".. the "leadership" example has been set.. IMO the unwashed masses have every "right" too take to the streets and follow their leaders "respect" for the rule of law..

posted on Aug, 14 2011 @ 07:56 PM
it seems to me the people of britian cannot win, if we are not having our rights taken away by government, then we are having them took away by lawless thugs. what are the british people suppose to do?

if we bring checks and balances against these thugs, who rob kill and terrorise innocent people(they will still be causing crime against people after the riots have ended, just like they were doing before they started), then there is an outcry of sheeple and enslaving the people.

however if there is nothing done then the riots will occur on a regular basis as thugs start to see they can do it and get away with it, and people living in communities will still be terrorised on a daily basis have their things robbed and property smashed up, and anybody who challenges them is kicked in, shot or ran over.

so which oppressive group of people should britian put with?

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