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Dont Be So Quick to Judge Others

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posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by AnonymousFem

Im sorry I wasnt around to first hand exsperience the 80's riots although I do believe there is a clear breakdown in respect and education. Thats clear for anyone to see. These riots were not politically motivated, as I said it was opportunist.

My main point would be, EVERYONE must have seen this coming, for years people have been noticing and complaining about the way society is. Everyone KNEW it was a problem. And yet no one took any action to change it.

And now everyone is taking moral high ground. A bit too late now though dont you think?

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 09:35 AM
Double post

edit on 11-8-2011 by Sinny because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 09:39 AM

Originally posted by Sinny
reply to post by SatoriTheory

OMG try and save face!!! Because its MY job to stop them isnt it? NO

It's your country too. Do you want to live in anarchy? Someone has to pay for the clean up. That will most likely be the tax payer. Are you willing to give up some of those 80 pounds a week government money in order to help clean up?

It's not your job to defend them, yet you are, WHY?

Its the polices, and they done NOTHING.

If the police went in they would have been accused of being heavy handed. So the police stood back, they didn't provoke, they let the world see what a dishonest bunch of hamshankers the rioters were. They gave the rioters the opportunity to simmer down.

I cant believe you would encourage Citizens arrests and vigilante behaviour! Aside from asking to get beaten up, and probably being mistaken for a rioter...what good would I have done?

So you chose to live in fear. You chose to allow it to happen, you chose weakness, you done exactly what the police done, stood back and done nothing. What were you saying about 'hypocrites'?


posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by Sinny

They did see this coming that is the point, for years people have been warning this could happen again. And what did they do about it nothing.

As far as I am concerned it is not just the youth to blame, (may I add there were people involved in those riots whom were over the age off 30 - 40's). The Government, the previous government, the police and parents have to be blamed also.

And they talk about the young children who were involved in these riots will not face a custodial sentence. Fine Hold the parents responsible for their children's actions. Even if it means a custodial sentence for those parents also.

If anyone can, watch this:

BBC Video

Teaching Assistant, Rachel Dibley has challenged the prime minister and his family to spend a week living in Peckham on benefits. "It's a hard life, they are so out of touch," said Dibley speaking about the government. Peckham sustained three nights of rioting and looting when violence spread across the capital this week.

From the Link also.
edit on 11-8-2011 by AnonymousFem because: To add footage.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by SatoriTheory

Its my country too? I think thats a good example of the false sence of freedom TPTB want you to have. I disagree with 80% of the policies that run this country and yet my view counts for sqwat. So NO it isnt MY country. I have to abide by stupid rules and laws made by people I dont know and I didnt put in power.

And yea so what, the damage will be paid for in tax, teach everyone to get to the route of a problem BEFORE it gets out of hand. like we have a say where/when/how we get taxed anyway like the tax Blair brought in a few years back to supply Saddem with some stuff..huh?....

And I am NOT defending them, they can go through allllllllllll that CCTV and arrest the lot. The ones guilty of murder can be rightly sentenced to murder.

All Im saying to the British people moaning about it now that we had enough notice this was going to happen and done nothing about it.

In regards to the police being scared of being accused of being heavy handed, if they didnt strike/kill innocent people in the last riots that wouldnt be an issue. And the forces werent streched that much you know...I was there...police out numbered the rioters, in fact in alot of the areas there were 15 looters whilst 30 cops stood 60 metres away...WATCHING them. Many looters were hesitant, untill they noticed they had free reign to do whatever.

And no I dont choose to live in fear. I wasnt In fear. The MSM exagerated the violence. But you wouldnt know because you werent there.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 10:07 AM
S+F OP, very good thread!

There is an old movie by the name of On Golden Pond starring Henry and Jane Fonda and Katherine Hepburn - you've probably heard of it, perhaps not. In it Kate Hepburn has a line something like this (from memory, not exact);

Sometimes you have to look very hard at a person and remember they are just trying to do the best they can.

Remembering this advice has been of enormous help to me many times. You see - without getting into it again here - I believe that the Upanishads is correct when it tells us that we all have a spark of God inside of us. Indeed, Eastern Philosophies teach that we are all of one universal mind - no not the Borg - and that once we throw off these mortal restraints we are all part of the same One, indeed the Taoists use "the One" as their designation for God.

No visualization of God as an old vengeful man with a beard handing out harsh punishment from a stone throne in the clouds for Eastern Religions (Buddhists, Taoist - not talking about Hindu-ism here). Instead they have found a way to think of God which fosters a feeling towards other humans which the Christian churches teach, but whose leaders and followers tend to ignore once weekly services are over. This sort of statement tends to threaten those Christians who have not investigated other religions but instead trust in the one and only book/theory they have ever read on the subject of religion. In fact, it is my experience that many who claim to have read the Bible probably actually never have at all.

Since I joined ATS I keep finding that what I have just posted on one thread will seem to apply very soon to another one I encounter. This bothers me a little because I find myself repeating myself, and feel rather odd about it. However, as with a mechanic, if it is the right tool for the job you simply use it again without such worries, therefore...

I posted this in response to some questions a member posted about a book of the Apocrypha. We discussed a lot of things on that thread and had to run one or two Bible thumpers off, gently - they were handing out bus tickets to hell again as they so often like to do to people who do not just shut up and get back in the sheep fold - but this is one of the last things I posted to that thread. First we discuss the problems;

Esoteric Agenda; a film by Ben Stewart.

I had spent some time on Alex Jone's site infowars before I found ATS, but I had noticed some problems there. Without going into that, I noticed that after too long on Alex's site it started to become hard to function. Fear, fear, fear. Very few solutions.

When I got to ATS I noticed a lot of contention, anger, hate, and for about a week I jumped right in with both feet and engaged in the same. My apologies to anyone I roughed up as I am a pretty vicious debater. However soon I noticed the same thing that the OP has pointed out. We are quick to hate here. "If you do not agree with me you are worthy of abuse" seemed to be the warcry of many, but seldom is anyone ready to look harder at someone and remember they are just doing the best that they can; that we are all here in the same boat trying to figure things out.

With all that in mind here is the sequel from Ben Stewart; Kymatica

This quote from comedian and social critic Bill Hicks used to be on the end of an earlier version of Esoteric Agenda and it is a quote that I love, so I thought I would share it since it is now missing from the final edit of the film;

“The world is like a ride in an amusement park. And when you choose to go on it you think it's real because that's how powerful our minds are. And the ride goes up and down and round and round. It has thrills and chills and it's very brightly coloured and it's very loud and it's fun, for a while. Some people have been on the ride for a long time and they begin to question: "Is this real, or is this just a ride?" And other people have remembered, and they come back to us, they say, "Hey, don't worry, don't be afraid, ever, because this is just a ride." And we kill those people.”

He went on to say;

“It's just a ride and we can change it any time we want. It's only a choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings and money, a choice, right now, between fear and love. The eyes of fear want you to put bigger locks on your door, buy guns, close yourself off. The eyes of love instead see all of us as one.”

Maybe, since it seems they want us down in the mud "scrappin", that is the very thing we should avoid.

I offer this for your consideration.
edit on 11-8-2011 by Ittabena because: giving credit where credit is due

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Sinny
reply to post by SatoriTheory

Its my country too? I think thats a good example of the false sence of freedom TPTB want you to have. I disagree with 80% of the policies that run this country and yet my view counts for sqwat. So NO it isnt MY country. I have to abide by stupid rules and laws made by people I dont know and I didnt put in power.

If that is your view, then YOU personally will never be able to do anything. You are too negative. A quitter before you start. If you dislike your country so much, then leave, go live somewhere else, see how it compares.
If you don't have any say in your country, then stop taking it's money. Stop coming onto a forum and complaining about the amount of 'free money' you are getting. Leave.

And yea so what, the damage will be paid for in tax, teach everyone to get to the route of a problem BEFORE it gets out of hand. like we have a say where/when/how we get taxed anyway like the tax Blair brought in a few years back to supply Saddem with some stuff..huh?....

The system is messed up, Blair got away with murder so to speak. But if you believe you can do a better job, then speak up, put forward some suggestions. All I am hearing is complaints, you are not yet offering any valid solutions.

And I am NOT defending them, they can go through allllllllllll that CCTV and arrest the lot. The ones guilty of murder can be rightly sentenced to murder.

Yes you are, by speaking up for them, on their behalf, you are defending their actions.

All Im saying to the British people moaning about it now that we had enough notice this was going to happen and done nothing about it.

Civilians are not to blame for the mess, politicians are. If you want to make a statement, then do it right, don't do things that affect your own kind. Business owners, civilians didn't directly cause the problem, so why are they being targeted?

In regards to the police being scared of being accused of being heavy handed, if they didnt strike/kill innocent people in the last riots that wouldnt be an issue. And the forces werent streched that much you know...I was there...police out numbered the rioters, in fact in alot of the areas there were 15 looters whilst 30 cops stood 60 metres away...WATCHING them.

You cannot be in amongst a riot and be innocent. If you are innocent, get the hell out of there.
If you are in the middle of a riot (key word being riot) and you get bashed by the police, then you only have yourself to blame.

Many looters were hesitant, untill they noticed they had free reign to do whatever.

This says everything you need to know about the mindset of the morons.

And no I dont choose to live in fear. I wasnt In fear. The MSM exagerated the violence. But you wouldnt know because you werent there.

Sure you did, you were scared of being beaten up, you were scared of not being able to make a difference. You were embraced by fear, so you chose not to do anything.


posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 10:41 AM
reply to post by Ittabena

Thank you

It is a shame many people are un able to see the bigger picture, and yes, I believe a fundemental problem is that the western world is gripped by a very narrow way of thinking in the Christian manner, The Eastern world have many values we over look....For now that will have to be my reply, I'm going to view you videos and look into this a bit more

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by SatoriTheory

Again your quick to assume things (sighhh)...

If that is your view, then YOU personally will never be able to do anything. You are too negative. A quitter before you start. If you dislike your country so much, then leave, go live somewhere else, see how it compares. If you don't have any say in your country, then stop taking it's money. Stop coming onto a forum and complaining about the amount of 'free money' you are getting. Leave.

I will never be able to do anything? Thanks for the vote of confidence. Im too negative? I thought it was realistic. A quitter before I start? Im sorry have we met before? Erm you dont know me, again with the judging. I havent quit, I make it my business to raise awreness of our governments short comings? Is that not productive?. Stop taking its money?!?...seriously? We already covered the fact that I WORK. So what am I taking that isnt rightfully mine? Free money? Wheres that come from? Stop complaining on a forum......what are you doing your self sorry?

I could do this with each of your statements, but it seems pointless, especially as you seem to now being making this conversation about me. Now if you wouldnt mind leaving my thread, I would much appreciate it.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:35 AM

Here is video footage from the beggining of the Birmingham riots, an intial witness statements.

What is clear from the footage and statements is the police are the ones that caused the riots by kettling innocent people and harrasing certain youths. Witnesses said police were talking about riots before they even began...hence encouraging it!!!

Please please watch.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 11:40 AM
reply to post by Sinny

I would love to get to the rest of your irrational post

but im still waiting for you to show me where i twisted your words?

I would love to write more but i don't want false accusations again ?

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 12:03 PM
reply to post by seedofchucky

Fire away, say what you wish, I've been real busy to go out of my way to nit pick over non important comments, not that your not important, please dont add to my already bad day..

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by Sinny
I could do this with each of your statements, but it seems pointless, especially as you seem to now being making this conversation about me. Now if you wouldnt mind leaving my thread, I would much appreciate it.

If you could have done it with each of my statements, you would have. All you have done is taken something out of context and focused on it.

You made the conversation about you by saying many times 'I was there', 'I was in the middle of it', blah blah blah. If you are not willing to be criticized for your view and actions, then maybe you should remain quiet.
You are willing to criticize, yet you don't appear to be willing to offer an alternative solution to the problems.

And finally yes, I will leave this thread, otherwise you will end up stomping your feet and having a tantrum.


edit on 11-8-2011 by SatoriTheory because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 07:02 PM
reply to post by loam

perhaps i could..

but if you actually read what i posted, i made no claims to justify or excuse criminal behaviour.

i merelly said,

as above so below

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