I was watching youtube this evening and i been watching the latest and greatest developments for personal power supplys for on the go. I have been
watching this kind of stuff for the last year or two.
Now real survivalists will scoff at some of this but hey adapation and ease aint a bad thing to have during certain circumstances. Candles,fire all
depend on somewhat dy conditions however what do you do when it rains and yeah these items may be dependent upon the sun but like brandon lee said in
that movie the crow it doesnt rain everyday.
Technology is great and it does have its advantages and who says the survivalist has to live in the dark ages.
***Note This Thread is Not a Product Endorsement For Any Product Contained in This Video***
the only intention of this thread is to make people aware things change and somethings can be useful.
I have a small 20 watt solar cell and it does enough to charge up batteries for headlamp, camera, mobile phone and about 1 to 2 hours on the laptop
each day. Also have a small AGM Lead acid battery and regulator to soak up the sun all day and look after the battery.
Great thread! I read a great product review on portable solar cells last week but never got around to sharing it. Glad you did. The possibilities
and configurations are growing with the passing of each day. From simple power supply to storage just take your pick.
I haven't dropped the coin yet. I still have a little more research to go.
Here is the review of powerfilm solar products from Woodsmonkey www.woodsmonkey.com...:powerfilm-f15-600-and-r14-portable-solar-panels&catid=37urtdoors-tech&It
My buddy and I do a Elk guide deal up in Wyoming and those rich hunters expect power even on the side of a mountain... wasn't cheap but
This System Works but you don't want to carry this bad boy around all
i like these they are modular systems where you can mix and match systems and stackable.
sherpa 50 and 120 caught me eye but the guide 10 aventure kit is the most affordable people can shop around any website like amazon sells these and
other places.
GoalZero definitely caught my attention. Nice price point for the whole kit and plenty of accessories.. REI has the adventure guide 10 package for
$124.00. Never too early to start my Christmas List.