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posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by pause4thought

my point wasn't to try to give any amount of justification to the looters, just to provide a much needed separate perspective. this is coming from an obviously observant elder of a minority group. he's been watching. i feel that the whole country is responsible for watching. it takes a community to keep a community a community. the community had to be watching out for this. if everybody was on the lookout for each other as is the true spirit of "humanity" we wouldn't see things like this. we may see mass uprisings against government or such oppression, but not at the cost of property belonging to the community.

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 06:19 AM
reply to post by

I understand what you are saying, and didn't mean to imply you were providing justification for the riots.
(I was just providing a personal disclaimer.)

Incidentally it would be great if anyone could post further examples of alternative perspectives in the mass media. (The post by blupblup was very informative, too, even if it was just captured on a videophone.)

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 09:12 AM

Originally posted by confreak
reply to post by

ATS has its own racist population, that explains the fact that this interview only gained 10 flags. That being said, "in Youtube, this interview gained 2 million views, around 50,000 likes". It shows that ATS is becoming infused with main stream media.
edit on 11-8-2011 by confreak because: (no reason given)

Please explain why you think just because people didn't flag this thread or agree with your view, that they are racist?

I've been called racist within the last couple of days on here. Sadly people will look at colour first and not the issue.

That guy wasn't stopped by a passing journalist or reporter in the street to ask his opinion, it looked like a set up interview. The spontaneous ones of random people are done by the reporter on the street.

He's been on tv many times before and has a web presence. I'm sure he hasn't got the news presenter's direct mobile number and called her up, live on air. He would have spoken to someone within the BBC prior to it and they would have either googled his name. News presenters have ear pieces, often getting told to ask certain questions that the presenter hasn't thought of.

Like I've said in the thread;

That guy is a writer and broadcaster! It leads me to believe HE contacted the BBC to air his view. He will have wanted his views to be heard. He even called it an insurrection which it wasn't. It wasn't only black people rioting and looting, he even mentioned white lads too but soon brought it back to a race issue.

As for 'that' question, well listen to it again. To me, it seems she knew his involvement in previous riots many years ago. Of course he wouldn't say he took part in the riot but will admit to it being in a protest. How do you know that 'that' question wasn't leading up to another question in relation to similarities of the protest/riot he was in and the ones played out today?

The phone line wasn't great, either he had problems hearing or they both did. Forcing her to speak in a loud, clear voice which may come across as patronising. All interviewers interrupt people.

Why play the race card on this? I saw him as an old Londoner, not a frail old black man talking to a white woman.
Maybe it's just me, I really don't know.

edit on 11-8-2011 by JonoEnglish because: (no reason given)

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