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Is Racism a brain disorder?

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 09:55 PM
Racism stems from insecurity and fear, thus irrationality, thus hatred, and there you have it; racism is born. It is more of a hatred and ignorance of self than a hatred and ignorance for another. Take for instance the European slave owners in early America. Slavery did not begin out of a hatred for Africans but rather out of a greed by Europeans. Slavery was more about expediting industrial and economic growth for America then a hatred for Africans. But once slavery was abolished, these slave masters had no clue about how to tend the crops, maintain the house and manufacture the essential tools for survival, because they had been sitting on their fat butts living the 'good life' for generation after generation. Thus they became extremely insecure and resorted to many forms of hatred and thus racism in order to 'put them Africans back in their place'. I have wrote extensively more on this subject for local news and community organizations, but of course I am not going to share that here with all you racists!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 11:57 PM
I'm a reverse racist. Although I'm white, all of the violence I've experienced personally has been perpetrated by other whites. Experience has taught me to feel safer around native Indians or Pakistanis than members of my own ethnic group, as far as the race issue is concerned; but I know someone will probably reply to that with stories about how violent members of that ethnicity can be, etc. Although it's been mostly indirect and somewhat vicarious, the reality is that in the last four years, India has been very good to me.

Do I think it's a neurological disorder? No. As someone else said, humans have always been tribal. We've spent most of our history in bands or tribes, and you learn to identify and feel loyalty etc towards the people who are good to you. They're not always the people within your own tribe...but the same principle still applies.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 12:31 AM
Thanks for the thread. I grew up in racism. I can only say what I have seen and experienced first hand.
Racism is a learned behavior and thought process !!

As children if we are not told racist remarks or over hear them from others we don't know the racist opinions.
The most normal act of a child is to explore and grow, People and parents are the ones that put poisons in their little ears.
As far as mental disorders being a possibility? If someone is imbalanced mentally, they can display any number of disfunctional behavioral traits.

Thx for the thread

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:28 AM
Yes racism is a brain disorder. Racist have no brains.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:43 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I think it is perfectly natural to be racist. Too treat someone that looks, sounds and behaves differently to ones self equally, requires a higher level of understanding.

Unfortunately we are not all the same we are divided by color, size, shape, culture and language.

Fortunately we are Equal, and this allows us too overcome our differences.

So to address the OP's question, No It's not a disorder or a mental illness it is hardwired in.

This is my personnel opinion.


posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:43 AM

edit on 10/8/2011 by tlasalt because: d d d d double p p p post

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:50 AM
People who do bad things or say bad thing
people who murder,torture or even insult another human being
have HEAVY brain disorder

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:52 AM
Racism is natural....or at least in the sense of recognition of ones kind(and no we are not all one race) but when you allow mass immigration then things will heat up and the most evil sense of racism will show its face....racial attacks.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:32 AM
reply to post by SaturnFX

Is Racism a brain disorder?

No. In all actuality, the concept that all the races of our species are identical, is really quite ridiculous. It is (of course) politically correct and convenient to subscribe to this notion... but it really doesn't hold water.

And no, this isn't a racist rant. It merely dares to observe the obvious and talk about it in public.

Our species didn't all fall out of the same tree or live in the same cave or chase down the same herd of wild beasts for dinner. If you believe in evolution, then you must accept that we are tribal by nature and that the most fundamental of these are based on the various racial subdivisions.

In nature, we see this same sort of thing between troops of monkeys, prides of lions, herds of wild horses, etc. The divisions ensure survival because even if one is wiped out by famine or disease, the others which have separated themselves will survive.

But here is where the rubber meets the road because we like to think of ourselves as being more evolved, more advanced and in full control of who and what we are.

Well, we're not... and nature doesn't respect our theories of who and what we are, either. She continues to install the tribal instinct within us to insure our survival, too... whether we deserve it or not.

Humanity is a very diverse, dynamic species that is split into a number of what we refer to as races. Each reflects its own evolutionary history in both physical and mental attributes. By attempting to forcefully merge this variety into a single, homogeneous pudding, there is far more lost than is gained. Instead of honoring each subdivision of the species as being unique with specialized qualities, we ignore the individuality... which is to my way of thinking, a far greater testament to racism than being proud of who and what each of us are.

So... yes, there are those who apply race as a negative... but like anything else, even who we are can be abused. Ignorance is the face of the negative racial stereotype. We don't have to hate those of other races. But before we can learn to honor our differences, we have to learn first to recognize them and then, respect them.

S&F for daring to walk out on this thin ice

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by Frontkjemper
I'm not racist, I hate everyone equally.

Do I believe racism to be a brain disorder? Not really, I do however believe liberalism to be though.

Ah yes the old ancient redneck proverb. Supposedly funny at first, but really quite ... stupid when I think about it.

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