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Life on Earth May Have Arrived Via An Asteroid Says NASA

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posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by welshbeliever

no one ive showed knows what it is but i will find out 100% definate if it is a meteorite next week

the pic of it on edge made me think of a rusty axe head, its a cool find I hope you ID it to your satisfaction

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:32 AM
Here is how life started on Earth.......its confirmed in the movie "Mission To Mars" (see youtube link below) BTW NASA worked with the producer on this movie. looks like we are being prepared......

Its also confirmed in the "Bible Codes" (see link below)

info on the Bible Code

edit on 9-8-2011 by Greensboro1978 because: edit text

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:46 AM

Originally posted by AzazeI
I'm here because my creator made me, I dont care what NASA has to say when it comes to the origin of life, my dna is complex, my fingerprint is like no other, and I have all the elements of the universe within me.
edit on 9-8-2011 by AzazeI because: (no reason given)

Yes...Your creator threw a rock and it landed here and you sprouted out of it just like those sea monkeys you used to be able to buy in the mail.

Hey don't knock it. It has served us well up until now. That primordial ooze helped us get around way back when - there is no reason to abandon it now.

God is the intelligence that fills the space between all things and who knows all things need space between them.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by Greensboro1978
Here is how life started on Earth.......its confirmed in the movie "Mission To Mars" (see youtube link below) BTW NASA worked with the producer on this movie. looks like we are being prepared......

Its also confirmed in the "Bible Codes" (see link below)

info on the Bible Code

This was really great. I don't remember this part of the Movie, in fact I think I saw the older Mission to Mars movie and am thinking of that.

In this planets behave exactly like dandelions at the end of their life they wither and die but sprout out seeds that are carried on a solar wind. Way cool. Panspermia has been a theory I've believed for the past 10 years or so. But also I think this only explains part of the story. All the natural world and only one or a few types of "human."
It is VERY apparent to me other "human type beings" came to earth in spacecraft and were fully developed. They gave rise to tales of heaven and beings from there. This is not all imaginary talk. It is based on a history and a visitation and something, including co-mingling that took place.

edit on 9-8-2011 by newcovenant because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:38 PM
I've heard about things like this before and it is indeed very interesting. But what I still wonder is how well could it survive passing through the Earth's atmosphere and the impact of landing? If anyone has any information about that I'd love to know

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by AzazeI

You'll accept that your creator made you from dirt, but reject the idea that we may have arose from elements in space?

Reject evidence to keep your faith makes no sense.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:02 PM
Panspermia is, without a doubt, the most obvious answer to "where did we come from?" I don't understand how Panspermia isn't widely accepted. There's just no other answer. Where do asteroids come from? Well, exploding stars after they've burnt through their reserves. So, we came from stars. What other answer is there?

I'm a firm believer in God and creationism and this still makes the most sense. I don't know what "science" is holding out on. Or why. Promote Panspermia as the definitive answer to where life on Earth came from already. Sheesh!

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:07 PM
If panspermia is correct, and life dust is blown about the universe from enormous exploding stars, then you would expect life to be present on any planet with similar conditions to Earth.

Very exciting.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:09 PM
reply to post by AzazeI

And your parents had nothing to do with it I'm sure, it was God who got them to, well, you know.

Anyway the idea that life was seeded on Earth by an asteroid is interesting but I still find the idea that it arose here naturally more compelling. It's much easier, in my opinion, for the organic building blocks of life to assemble due to chemical reactions here on early earth than for them to survive in the vacuum of space and then further survive an asteroid collision. But then I'm no expert on how resilient alien microbes or pre-life organic material can be.

posted on Aug, 9 2011 @ 03:09 PM
Really, no one sees the allegorical/metaphorical representation of objects?

Comets/astroids/meteors are sperm, and represent the male sex

and planets, galaxies, solar systems, represent the female sex.

More female representation in the universe.

oddly enough, more females on planet earth as well.

Intresting. Perhaps God/bigbang/(INSERT BELIEF) perfected mankind with women
edit on 9-8-2011 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-8-2011 by Jordan River because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by welshbeliever

cut it open and you can see the black gunmetal inda outer covering

no one ive showed knows what it is but i will find out 100% definate if it is a meteorite next week

Hey man, don't want to disappoint you but I'm a geologist who works at an iron ore mine in Australia and what you have there looks like haematite (Fe2O3), which is one of the two primary iron ore minerals in the world. The reds and yellows on the outer crust kinda gives it away. Try this test, scratch the metallic looking part with a nail - if the streak looks a rusty red colour then I'm am more than likely right. If it comes up brownish then it may have some goethite (the other primary iron ore mineral - (FeO(OH)) in the matrix as well. Either way it is likely to have local origins

However to give a definitive answer I would have to examine in person and also see the environment you found it in. But most meteorites look like the OPs picture at the start of the thread - kinda like black pumice stone that doesn't float. I still fully encourage you to take it to the museum to get a definite answer.

edit on 10/8/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:11 AM
Panspermia or not, life still had to arise somehow in this universe. I don't see any reason it could not of arisen here on Earth, or for that matter anywhere else in the universe where life can be supported. And if it did arise somewhere else in this universe, it would likely also be a carbon based life form, likely to be somewhere where water can exist as a liquid, and therefore likely to share many similar traits to us.

Both birds and bats have wings, but they both evolved these similar flight mechanisms completely independent of each other. Aliens if they exist would likely share many traits similar to us. Even if this meteorite is shown to have DNA molecules/amino acids etc within it, it is still a very large leap to say that the life that currently exists on Earth came from another planet.

Not to take away for a moment the significance of finding alien DNA on a meteorite of couse........

edit on 10/8/2011 by 1littlewolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:51 AM

Originally posted by Soylent Green Is People
OK, but if life may have came to Earth on an asteroid, then where did the life on that asteroid originally came from?

Good point.

Maybe this is another hint from NASA that there is indeed life out there.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 08:40 AM
reply to post by Soylent Green Is People

From the OP:

... DNA components found in meteorites can originate in space, lending new credence to the theory that life on Earth may have arisen from a pre-existing "kit" of materials delivered via asteroid ...

Components of DNA arriving on Earth via a meteorite isn't the same thing as life arriving on Earth via a meteorite.

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by iterationzero
Components of DNA arriving on Earth via a meteorite isn't the same thing as life arriving on Earth via a meteorite.

No, but there are theories that propose that life itself arrived on a meteorite or comet.

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