posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 10:00 AM
I really didn't think so either prior to purchasing my home....but now I am certain that Orbs actually do exist.
I too was of the mindset of these flash/digital camera photo anomalies likely being attributed solely to dust.
As somewhat of a photography buff, I had my own dark room and enlarger as a kid.
My first job as a teen was actually in a photo lab developing passport photos and portraits.
This all was Until I purchased my home which I wouldn't call haunted but it has several spirit entities or perhaps a portal to the other side.
We've had shadow figures and these hooded ones type entities show up at night standing at the foot of our bed.
I now sleep with a Bible near my bed and it seems to have diminished somewhat.
I have also experienced sleep paralysis on several occasions...I can hear something walking/shuffling nearby while it is occurring.
My dogs have seen something apparently flying around the room that I felt most likely was some type of orb.
They didn't bark at it or anything as they sometimes will at things they recognize on TV but they just kind of watch it fly around curiously. One dog
does growl at entities it is seeing in the middle of the night and sometimes goes ballistic !
I had never seen a real Orb either until One manifested in front of my very eyes in the form of a round glowing orb.
I was retiring for the evening and with all of the lights off in the house I was going upstairs and at the top of the stairs it appeared.
The Orb that I witnessed in my home was luminescent, golf ball sized and glowing a blue-gray color.
As I approached it , It moved incredibly fast into next the room and through the adjacent wall, all in the blink of an eye.
Interesting though, upon initially moving into our home, and whilst taking "BEFORE" shots before painting and decorating, there were numerous Orbs
in the pictures taken of this very same room with an Olympus Digital camera which I attributed solely to DUST.
The house had been vacant for at least a few months prior to our moving in. And I am certain that there was plenty of dust having accumulated in the
home especially during the hot summer months.
But interestingly enough, when we went to begin painting this room the following weekend, our paint rollers purchased earlier in the week and were
still in the Home Depot plastic Bags with the other supplies. The rollers and nothing else from the bags had all but disappeared.
For this is the identical room that I previously captured the Flash/Dust orbs in the photo, and the rollers disappeared from, and also where I later
witnessed the Luminescent orb fly into this same room sometime later.
These Orbs captured in the photograph could very well be attributed to Dust but after my experience with our home and in particular, this room, I am
beginning to wonder if there is a connection between the two.
I am only stating my experience with this phenomenon. Take it for what it's worth.
But As far as what I have witnessed, Orbs DO exist. And perhaps there is a connection between what we are seeing in the photos after all.