posted on Aug, 7 2011 @ 09:56 AM
Good Morning ATS,
I'm not going to apologize for the melodrama of my headline. Its not at all true. At least not that I'm aware of.
A startling revelation came to me as I read the ats ," New Topics" page this morning .........
If a ufo did land or cancer was cured or protesters with guns took to the streets of America or the banks closed and locked doors or (
Insert you're tragedy here) how many others sources and back up references would I have to have to varify some of the sensational head lines we see
I love Ats...have lurked here for years. Am I changing my perspective on life? Or does every one else get tired of the first people here of anything
they just post...BOOM yeah ! theres my post ! I was First !!!
What happened to actually searching for one...(.to see if maybe 7 others already posted )
and two......maybe at least check a little to see if you're facts are any where straight.
And last but DEFINITELY not least.....put some thought into it, take some time making a well laid out, hopefully easy to understand, thought
provoking thread ! what you want...........just needed to vent a little
comment and even flame me if you want,,,,but be civil to
each other
edit on 7-8-2011 by jesusatan because: cause i got in a hurry?
Mod Edit: All Caps – Please Review This Link.edit on 8/7/2011 by kinglizard
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