posted on Aug, 17 2004 @ 04:27 PM
It has long been My belief that they were the same nine principle Deities found in Chinese theologies. The Greek and Roman pantheons are easily laid
over one another, and those overlay the Egyptian pantheon which overlays the African pantheons, the Danish lines of Asatru, Scandinavian pantheons,
and so forth.
It doesn't become muddled until you try to apply that philosophy to the Western World (from Argentina to the North Pole). And yet, all native
aboriginal Deities seem to overlay one another yet again.
It is as if there were
two separate groups of Deities presenting themselves to the people of the Ancient World, rather than just the one. It
almost feels as if there was one set for the "civilized" world, and one wholly different set who presented themselves to the "savages" of the
Each pantheon has warrior aspects of their Gods and Goddesses, as well as agricultural based aspects, and those governing life, love, home, family,
health and wealth.
I have some solid information concerning Deities of the Old Ways here...
[edit on 17/8/2004 by Elswet]