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West Palm jail staff failed to call 911 before teen died!

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posted on Aug, 6 2011 @ 06:26 PM

Florida juvenile justice administrators confirmed late Monday that guards and supervisors at a West Palm Beach lockup never sought emergency care for a teenager who suffered in pain for hours before he finally died.

As the Department of Juvenile Justice's investigation into the July 10 death of Eric Perez, 18, continued Monday, authorities revealed that the lockup's top administrator, Superintendent Anthony Flowers, was among four employees suspended last week. Another two employees, a guard and a supervisor, were fired.

"While the cause of death is yet unknown, it is clear that staff at the facility during the crisis did not contact 911 in accordance with DJJ policies and training,'' Samadhi Jones, a DJJ spokeswoman in Tallahassee, said in a statement Monday.

Jones declined to discuss any other aspects of Perez's death Monday.

Not sure what forum to put this in. Civil issues or US Politics. It relates to both in my opinion. How can our police and jails be this bad? When did we just decide to let it get out of control like this? It's really starting to make me mad.

The part that pisses me off even more is they fired the one cop that refused to act like he was in a gang. He didnt maintain the blue line, so they let him go.

One of the two people fired in the incident, guard Floyd Powell, 35, told The Miami Herald on Monday he was fired after he disclosed to investigators that he was forbidden to call 911 when he became concerned for the teen, who was screaming that his head hurt and had vomited for several hours. "I was going to call 911, but my supervisor looked at me in the face and said, 'He'll be fine. Don't call 911,'" Powell said.

edit on 8/6/2011 by drew1749 because: (no reason given)


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