I read an incredibly beautiful book titled "The Child Within Us Lives! A Synthesis of Science, Religion and Metaphysics" by William Samuel. This
book is really amazing-- It is very prophetic as it was written 1986 and it is all about what is happening now. It has a wonderful 'answer' to why
and what to do and how to survive with intelligence and love---
Here is a partial excerpt from the introduction:
--------- Now, imagine the missile of collective civilization nearing its target, ready to receive its final redirection for the next and perhaps
last phase of the trip—not unlike the "smart missile" that sees the target ahead and directs the internal mechanism to drive itself straight to the
destination. For mankind, the destination is a rediscovery of simple subjectivism, a new mark in non-space and non-time, a fulfillment of the Original
Purpose for tangible life on earth.
As far as the relationship between time and space and their interconnections to tangible life goes, the end-game's corrective information is
presently being received within the quantum body of civilization. This information is intended to adjust and correct society's major systems for their
final movement as mankind comes to discern the true nature of things—particularly time, space, matter and awareness (life). In many ways science,
the vanguard of human wisdom, has nearly reached that comprehension already.
What does this final corrective feel like to you and me here in the old-world scene of things? It comes as a new clock turned on within us; as new
sensitivity; an increasing intuitiveness; a new perception within us; as certain unfamiliar anxieties, disquiets, stresses and discomforts; as
inexplicable fear and depression. Anyone can look at the human scene and see the lids popping off here and there with acts of insanity and people
trying to satisfy impossible urges. Who is to say what the northern geese feel before they assemble to make the trek south? Or the butterflies before
they start their long upwind search for their ancestral birthplace? I know that dramatic course-altering input is presently arriving within mankind;
the sensitive feel it especially. This arrival is not unlike the way the ability to perceive color has developed in mankind in recent millennia. We
are told this sense is one of the latest developments of the human brain—but what is presently happening is at a deeper level of mentation. What is
it? The arrival of the truly subjective nature of mentation—quantum man's capacity for ever greater introspective self-examination.-----------
--------- At this moment, civilization is a little like a field of cotton beginning to bloom: first a boll here, another there, then more and more
until one morning we look out and the entire field is abloom. Or, it is like popcorn popping. One kernel pops, then another and another until there is
a veritable explosion of the rest. Hard pressed, shaken together and running over, mankind is coming into a conscious knowledge of a subjective sense
of things which is certain to alter the course of civilization. The first "blooms" have been the prophets, the seers, the avatars, the insightful,
those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Now the field is turning white with the ability to perceive subjectively. Confusion abounds at the
unrecognized newness of it all. Now that subjectivism is here, no one knows what to do with it. The major divisions of human activity have not made
the necessary adjustments to allow the missile the freedom to change course. Neither education, government, religion nor metaphysics has made the full
turn demanded of them—and the time is short. In certain areas, science, with the help of subjective quantum mechanics, has adjusted reasonably well
as it goes along searching the vistas of tangibility, but it remains to be seen what scientists will do with their information once it becomes clear
that they are now, and always have been, examining consciousness.-------------
------- People are individually willing to adjust, as their intuitions and feelings come into focus, but the controlling groups to which they belong,
are vigorously holding to the old ways, refusing to listen to the New Sounds within. Either the institutions of mankind adjust to allow men to change
mental course, or there will be a sociological anguish unparalleled in human history. -----------
You can read the whole thing---but you should really read the whole book (available at amazon) it all makes deeply meaningful sense in full
Thanks, hope you read it all, it seems important to me, SweetMystery
edit on 11-8-2011 by Sweetmystery because: (no reason given)