posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 12:45 AM
First, let me start by saying, mods, if I placed this thread in the wrong forum, my deepest apologies. I did do a search but this is the closest forum
I could find.
Now Im not going in to a sad heart break story. No, Im just going to give you the facts. The facts that I ascertained. Yes this deals with a
destroyed relationship, but I only present my story, to get outside opinions. I've been so confused, as to whether or not to follow my gut instincts
or am I just reading to deep into things?
With that, allow me to begin.
I dated my girl friend for nearly two years. Didn't really argue, until the last few months. But the issues that we debated on were the typical
issues that every relationship faces. For example, emotional fulfillment, physical fulfillment, a connection with her sons, ( keeping in mind Im the
" step parent " in this story), things of that nature. Now bare in mind, she does have emotional issues, more specifically, depression. But I was
determined to stand by her, and help her through those " rough " times. With that, let's pick up the story till 3 weeks ago shall we?
While visiting my kids, who live in another state, I called my g/friend on a Saturday morning. At exactly 9am. At that time, I had asked her what
she was doing. She then informed me that she was watching cartoons with her kids. I really didn't think much of it. So the weekend went without a
hitch. I returned home to her on Sunday evening. Thats when things changed. On that Tuesday, out of the blue, ( which she had never done before )
she informed me that she had trained a new guy. This persons name we will say is Bob, and that she had to train him for the next couple of weeks.
And that rumors were starting that they were inseparable. But I had nothing to worry about she says. Thats when the red flags went off in my head.
So that same day, after returning from the store, she was out chatting with the neighbor. When i went to get on the pc, I see her ( social site )
logged in, and I noticed that she had messages. When I checked, I see that the Saturday I mentioned above, when I asked her what she was doing, I
noticed the time. She had been chatting with BOB for 1hr and 47 minutes, and never told me. She was chatting with him, even though she told me she
was watching cartoons.
SO after confronting her about this deceitful conversation, she tries to play it off as banter, and that there is nothing to worry about. We argued
for a full week about this issue. And her response, guessed it, nothing! I felt disrespected, betrayed and hurt.
So now into the second week, I thought we had repaired that breach, and moved on. SoOOo, I asked on that Tuesday morning, if she would like for me to
come to her work and have lunch. She explained that she was going to have lunch at her desk, and catch up. Little do I know, ( and after the fact )
she ends up having lunch with an " alleged " female worker and ? guessed it..Bob.
When I hear of this, I confront her yet again, explaining that this is becoming a pattern of events, that are beyond coincidental. She explains that
they are just friends and not to worry. Now we are still in the second week mind you, and that Thursday, I was preparing to leave out of town to
visit my kids again. On that thursday, she informs me that she is having " friends " from work over for dinner. I asked who, and it turned out to
be a female co-worker, and guess who...yup, Bob again. We argue about this plan of hers, and she offered to cancel. But I told her I didn't want to
be that " guy ", but she should do what she thought was right, and respectful.
So while visiting my kids, guess what? In her mind the right thing to do, was to have the dinner anyways! WHHHAAAATTTTTT???????
I return on Sunday, and we hash things out. I inform her that her actions have crossed the line of disrespect by leaps and bounds, and that she has
no respect for me. She tries to play it off, like nothing is going on.
Now we are into the beginning of the 3rd week. That Monday, I walked her to her car, to send her off to work, and when i attempted to kiss her ( more
than a peck on the lips, lets keep this G-Rated ) she flinched! Now I knew something was wrong~
So I go back in, and decide, ya know?, something in my gut is telling me something is massively wrong! So I checked her email, and low and behold, I
find a " love " letter from Bob to her. Not sexually explicit or anything, but discusses plans for an alleged " co-worker " jacuzzi party, that
just so happens to be on yet another weekend Im out of town. It also discusses that his cat is on the spot meant for her on his couch. Then ends the
letter with and I quote, " I miss you terribly, and can't wait to see the infectious smile on your face and your sparkling eyes ". Now Im no
dummy, but thats not something a platonic friend says. Atleast I dont think so anyways.
That was the last straw....I grabbed what I could, and left.
So with that, I would like to hear from preferably womens points of views. But all are welcome. Bare in mind however, when confronting her, she
kept claiming emotional distress, and that " it was her and not me", and that she " needed to focus on herself" to make things right.
So, now I ask the fellow readers, do you believe she was telling the truth? Or do you think she was searching for some strange?
Me personally, I think she was done, and couldn't owe up to her actions, with honesty and conviction. Tried to lie her way out of the relationship,
meanwhile chasing some other dude, or at the very least bought into his empty promises of a better life.
What are your thoughts?