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NATO Violates UN resolution 1244.Russia Concerned and Watching developments

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posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 01:51 PM
On the 27th of July kosovan forces,with the military (transportation) assistance of KFOR,headed by The German General Erhad Buhler moved upon and siezed border crossings agreed upon in the UN resolution.

The situation developed when Prinstina in a retalitory move blocked all Humanitarian (food and medicines) supplys from reaching the ethnis Serbs in the North of the former Yougoslavia Republic (note: some EU countries violate the resolution also by recognising Kosovo as an independant state) after the ethnic Serbs of Northen Kosovo blocked export goods passing through the border posts as the Pristina violated customs protocols aggreed upon in the UN resolution.

Serbia agreed to the UN resoultion that was vehermently opposed by China who were to veto it,except fr the fact that Belgrade (Serbia) wanted en end to the conflict and to persure normalisations of relationships with the international community and peace in the region and the wider world.

(it was at Pristina that a U.S. general who was previously in charge ordered a british general to open fire on a colum of RUSSIAN tanks that came to support the Ethnic Serbs of the region)
(reports by the CIA.FBI & DEA need to be looked at to those of you here that has axcess)
Light Example:

The Serbian government has made many consessions to ensure peace and recently tracked down and handed to "The Hague" war crimes tribunal 2 who were indited by "The Hague"
Althoug no charges have been brought to "The Hague" by the acting EU/NATO bodies upon war crimes commited by others.

here is basics of resolution 1244

The main effects of Resolution 1244 were to:

Demands in particular that the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia put an

immediate and verifiable end to violence and repression in Kosovo,(UNSC R1244)

complete verifiable phased withdrawal from Kosovo of all military, police and

paramilitary forces according to a rapid timetable, with which the deployment of the international security presence in Kosovo will be synchronized (UNSC R1244)

Place Kosovo under interim UN administration (currently performed by the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo, UNMIK)
Authorize a NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo (currently performed by the Kosovo Force, KFOR);
Allow for the return of an agreed number of Yugoslav and Serbian personnel to maintain a presence at Serbian Patrimonial sites and key border crossings. (not implemented in practice);
Direct UNMIK to establish provisional institutions of local self-government in Kosovo (currently the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government, PISG);
Require the UN to assure the safe and unimpeded return of all refugees and displaced persons to their homes in Kosovo and to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants of the province.(not implemented in practice);
Require that the KLA and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups be demilitarized;
Authorize the United Nations to facilitate a political process to determine Kosovo's future status. Kosovo's future status would take into consideration Rambuillet Accords which Serbia refused to sign in 1998, and which call for the "will of the people of Kosovo" to be one of the guiding principles in defining Kosovo's status.

Russia are carefully watching the situation.

So much have been achieved in recent months and years and now it seems some with or without the knowlage of their supperiors are attempting to create a situation to destabilise the region and send it and the whole of Europe or possible the world into Military Conflict.

Lets hope that all sides come to a peacefull resolution of the developing crisis,and that International law and Resolutions are adhered to.

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