in south korea their are alot of people with a strong anti american attitude and protest our presence and they support the worlds view of america
which is america is bad.
what would happend if washington got tired of it and left the peninsula?
how would the s.koreans react?
will they call us back ?
and if we do get that call will we answer or let it fall on deaf ears?
Americans leave South Korea. !!! lmao Don't see that happening. Bush will probably displace the troops from other parts of the world and send them
there. North Korea is becoming a very deadly threat as like Bush's America is a war driven country.
Americans will answer the call. Americans will never leave South Korea. Should the North and South Unite would be catastrophic for Americans. South
Korea has WMDs unlike Iraq and Afghanistan and is not afraid to use them.
Well, Bush has announced a major reshuffle today of troops and a spokesperson did say moving troops out of Germany and parts of Asia, so maybe we'll
see what happens in the near future.