posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 10:07 PM
Am, I the only that realized what the OP stated. Yes he does state some logics in his points, but he didn't state any facts. He said its possible
UFOs are man made (which I believe some are) and they are remote controlled. This in my honest opinion is flawed. There are facts of flying disk
dating back since when this generation of man has started recording history. In some of these recordings, beings, not from this planet, were
discovered operating these crafts. The problem that we run into is that our governments have devised a great way to cover up a story.
For example the crop circle situation. Recently an article stated that there were animals, sheep's and marsupials, getting high off of opium seeds,
if I not mistaken. Now tell me, how are these animals able to create perfect shapes from these fields. Crop circles are not man made.