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Wheres all the civil unrest? how do we know our patriots?

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posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:43 AM
I believe that if we dont stay on top of the latest news about civil unrest, we will end up leaving a fellow patriot to the wolves. If a patriot where to stand up for his or her rights they usualy get beaten down by the police and then locked away where no one can find out the truth and help them. The media will lable them nut jobs or terrorists, makeing the masses just sit down and say"oh another one", when in fact it might be another ruby ridge, where we could of all come to the aid of our brothers and patriots if there was a situation where the feds where going to raid and kill a patriot of the constiutution and this person was going to fight for their rights, wouldnt you want to know wouldnt you want to stand with them and make sure they didnt get diapeared of worse exicuted?
I have often wonderd " If I where in this situation and I needed help from other patriots in freedom of the constitution, where would I go to call for help or cry revolution? who would help me?" or would they just make up some story of how I was crazy and a terrorist? so that the rest of you who are awake make judgments about me and just sit down and watch another so called psyco get what he deserves, how would you know the truth, where could I go to call for help or are we all just going to be devided and conquered?

what if you where being atacked by the government or ATF and they where going to take your guns, raid your home, seize your posestions, computers, home, CHILDREN, how would we know this was a person needed us to come to their aid?
If reveloution started in the next state over how would you know to stand up, or would MSNBC, CNN, FOX and all the others just get you to sit back down and keep watching American Idol, or playing your game? I think we need to keep track of this kind of stuf and try and see through the propiganda keeping you from recognising the moment, the most important moment of our lives.

Or will we just miss it because So you think you can dance is on? I honestly see patriots being pulled right off their couches glued to the telivision, being led away while still trying to get that last glimpse of the program on the way oput the door, mesmerized.
edit on 2-8-2011 by superjesse13132000 because: spelling

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:57 AM
i have finally signed up to ats after reading this post. more thought is needed on a patriot comm. network, but it is very relieving to know that others are thinking on this line. you are not alone, there are others (me at least) willing to walk with you side by side down this path less traveled. maybe we can get a REAL, SECURE, OPERATIONAL network of like minded people together, just in case. --ben

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:18 AM
Good point. The truth/patriot movement has been co-opted by TPTB, and they are steering us into a civil war. We are three meals away from civil arrest! It is no accident that Americans are so divided and controlled. Most folks are in such a deep trance that they believe everything MSM says is truth: including who's our enemy. Keep your eyes open people!

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by fixitwcw

Now thats what Im talking about, maybe a patriot hotline, but you know they would monitor it and use it somehow to get us. In fact they are probably on the way to my house right now for just writing this post. But yea how would we know a patriot would need our help? when all we get is propiganda. And if the revolution started, there would have to be those on the other side, I mean if you fought and won then someone would be the loser. Its the news that would make the loser the hero and the winner the villan, there would be news reports about how the poor victom was a police officer, father and husband. you cant have a revolution without an opposition you would be fighting against. If a true patriot stood up and fought back ( having to take a few lives) would we be conserned for the same cops who beat and kill and taze us every day or would we recognise a patriot.

I think we cant have it both ways ,and the media is the blame for our moral delima, we need to start recognising that one mans terrorist is another mans patriot, and stop letting these soldiers of the enemy get our simpathy. part of beeing awake is cognition, and recognition. if we cant do that then we are not fully awake.

dont get me wrong I am in no way talking about AL-CIA-DA, or hammas at all, not these kind of terrorists, but like the soldier from arizona that was oppenly killed durring a no knock raid, or contempt of cop. Im talking about Americans who stand up for the constitution and their rights. The patriot who doesnt start anything but finishes it, not the guy going out and killing for the sake of killing but the guy defending, that guy, whom they would lable terrorist..
edit on 2-8-2011 by superjesse13132000 because: spelling

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:24 AM
There are no patriots, everyone's a pussy and don't have the balls to fire the first shot, because they're too worried about losing their gooberment CHEESE


posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by superjesse13132000

Methinks the group called Anonymous is taking up all the slack for those patriots who have decided to stay on the sidelines. Just my two cents. I'll need them back later, by the way... Kinda broke right now.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:31 AM
reply to post by superjesse13132000

i know who the real enemies are, and people living in caves 12,000 miles away don't concern me one bit. it is government henchmen that bother me, and obviously you as well. it would be possible to have a "panic button" that could only be monitored while transmitting, meaning that by the time they start looking for the users of the said device, the user him/her self would would be doing some searching of his own. wink wink. but, my concern would be the misuse of the device, calling out to patriots to defend them after they had done something wrong, like murder their wife or something. maybe an activation by three or more people with the device, who could contact each other by other means?

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by superjesse13132000

The truth is without order or a reason this nation will become an Egypt and that's just what our own government wants. Have the people kill their own freedom because they didn't prepare a list of demands. It would literally take years to undo what these people have done this group would have to remain anon lol but work only in the best interest of the people relinquishing any or all power after it done. These people would have to be constitutional lawyers who understand how to undo what the tptb have done and place in some new form of checks and balances which after the revolt we would need to elect to office. every old politician would need to be banned or deported. A new monetary system would need to be formed even then within a couple of years The New United States would be attacked by someone with deep roots in the global political game wanting revenge or land. If you don't plan ahead and just over throw this government the next one that pops up will be a dictatorship ps this is very dangerous water you tread, you are not anonymous like you think over the internet
edit on 2-8-2011 by pcrobotwolf because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:40 AM
Ben Im with you brother, lets do it, figure out a way to have a patriot hotline, please star and flag, so more can get on this idea,


pass this on, I think we have stumbled on a great idea. Im listening right now to ATS live maybe someone can call in and point them to this thread. Lets get it out there. Oh and thanks ben for your support, ill watch your back and you can watch mine. If I get disapeared let others know I am a patriot and it is lies they will portray me as. As I have a family and would never risk them doing somthing that would harm them, only protect them. As a family man I would not use my guns to start a fight only protect them from a fight. Jesse Lopez patriot and American.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by superjesse13132000

good man. very dangerous water indeed. ben wyatt

posted on Aug, 4 2011 @ 02:59 PM
reply to post by fixitwcw

But then the hotline whould be built by them and they would send out an alert telling people to go somewhere and it would be right to the door of a fema camp.

seems like better men then I could come up with better answers to this problem, oh well looks like people need to just watch out for their neighbors and help out when they can. maybe our children will be braver then us, who knows?

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by superjesse13132000

Naw, our children are even worse than us. Unless it has buttons and a screen they don't know it exists. They are so wrapped up in video games that they wouldn't be able to tell you if the sun came up that morning or not. I am fortunate enough to have a son who is free thinking. I have raised him to think logically, and question everything. He knows not to believe everything he hears, especially in the MSM.

The new revolution will have to be started in the living rooms of patriots, without electronics. With any electronic device, they can and do monitor what you do/say. The movement will have to regress back to the covert operations of our first revolution to succeed. Technology can hurt you, but it can also hurt them. They have forgotten how to conduct subversive operations without technology.

A new movement would also need something to identify other patriots. Similar to how gays/lesbians identify each other with rainbows and the like. But this would have to be spread via word of mouth because just posting it on the internet now gives it away to TPTB.

Food for thought.
edit on 10-8-2011 by haarvik because: (no reason given)

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