posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 04:40 PM
All I have to say is " when is enough enough?" when do we stop getting killed by the same people who where suposed to protect us?" These cowards are
the scum of the earth. I bet there is some dumb # out there who would say these men are brave and heros, bull#!, the people who fight for this country
overseas are brave and heros,
I bet if there was civil unrest these would be the first ones to take off their uniforms. NO MORE! there needs to be som of this medicin dolled out
to them in full, cowards I say.
I do not want to hear ANYONE say "oh the cops jobs are hard", yea real hard beating a homeless man to death.
if this is in the wrong place mods please move it for me thanks.
(visit the link for the full news article)