posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by afraidofthedark
just a theory about the presence of the loved one. if the mind can create such things in dreams then it also could easily just be that the memory is
that strong and that you truly want the person back, and your mind knows you would be comforted by remembering key smells and what not. It could
possibly be a different state of mind, i would assume it all depends on how open minded you are as a person.
I have been itching all day to get on here to talk because last night i actually had a lucid dream, it was funny because i now recall having more
lucid dreams, it is also strange because i was having a restless sleep, and i ended up on the sofa (being 6"3 this is not very comfortable!) all in
all last night i had around 2-3 hours sleep, but the lucid dream i had i find strange because i kept waking up during the times i did fall asleep so
therefore surely was not in a very deep sleep at all, but still had a lucid dream... i assume that you would have to be in a deep sleep... well
obviously not. i have heard in the past people say that you cannot have a lucid dream until you have heard about them, so its likely talking about
them in this forum yesterday prompted me to have a lucid dream. as i said before it has made me realise that in the past i have had more lucid dreams
than i first thought, but what is funny about them in the past has been that i have usually woke up, then went back into the sleep fully aware of what
was going on and that i was in a dream, but this lasted for literally a few seconds and i was back, generally fighting my hardest to get back into the
dream... last night was very different though. i was in a street with some old friends, and i cant exactly remember what was happening there, ( i
think maybe a fight, I'm not 100% sure) but i travelled to the bottom of the street and at this point thought, wait I'm in a dream i can get out of
here, at this point i started to fly and took myself to a nearby field where i was alone. someone previously spoke about flying in a lucid dream
earlier in a post, is this rare? i would like any kind of analysis regarding this from anyone.
Thanks for listening.