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16 hours of no food & water for a Muslim

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posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:40 AM
over eating at iftar is not common from what i have seen. i rarely even eat much at iftar. i fill my stomach and immediately relax, and come back for seconds when i feel fit. i can bring out quotes from the prophet talking about not over eating.
edit on 1-8-2011 by Amassuo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:45 AM
reply to post by Amassuo

yeah you are right, it is not common and is not advised at all, but you cannot deny that people do over eat.

second line

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 06:00 AM
I'd say that while it's not a good thing to do, over-eating is fairly common in Ramadan, especially among bigger families or more well-off families. People stuff themselves with oily fried foods before dawn, and they stuff themselves again after sunset.

I remember in Egypt Ramadan seemed to be a valid excuse to party the entire night, they'd invite all their friends over and start a feast around 12am, go on eating until dawn, then hobble off to bed to sleep till late afternoon.

In this (and in many things in general in the world), the actual implementation how it should be done vs the way people do it today is very different.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 06:09 AM
reply to post by babloyi

Good point. Very true. on a local scale however i dont remember a single day in which there was even enough food. both with families and with friends, and even with strangers. we always stored the left overs and finished them day of regardless. also i remember going to the mosque for free food and there would always be a line up and never enough for everyone to get seconds. please please, enlighten us and show us the reports that have recorded the losses of food during this month as i cant find a single one, i only found one hinting at the possibility among the wealthier folk

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 06:15 AM
reply to post by Amassuo

Losses of food? I'm not quite sure what you mean...I made no claims about losses of food?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by babloyi

sorry im tired and have been up for awhile. i must have confused some ideas together. well thats my call to bed. good night

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by ShadowZion

Hmm. Maybe I will give it a try, if not just to detox a bit. I've gone through phases of, I'd LIKE to say depression (not sure what was wrong with me), where I wasn't hungry in the least bit.. and so I "forgot" to eat for a day, and didn't even notice it, since I felt no hunger. Weird as it was, it wasn't intentional, so I think I'd give it a try on purpose to see how good my willpower is.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 11:40 PM
forgive my ignoranca on islam, but 16 hours? is that a joke?
how is that fasting? how is that a challenge?
16 hours is nothing.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 01:23 AM
reply to post by neonitus

It depends where you are, I guess, and how many daylight hours there are there. The lack of food wouldn't get to you so much as the lack of water would...

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 02:19 AM
1 day of 16 hrs can be done by anyone but daily back to back in the heat for 30 days can become tiresome. it is however as you stated not a big deal.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 07:26 AM
reply to post by neonitus

When you do it everyday for a month it is. Then imagine if you have to work a draining job. I have seen people who couldn't make it.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 10:35 AM
When someone cant do it example cuz they have to work hard that required lots of energy, it is not a must for them, as long as if they fasting, they will suffer alot cuz of working and might dangered for them.
They can do it in another day as many as day they have skipped.

If it is impossible for them to do it in another day, cuz of working condition or health condition, they are allowed to pay fidyah. The same amount of food they ate during fasting time or when they supposed to and give it to poor person that dont have much food everyday.

If the person cant pay for it cuz he/she are poor, he/ she have a right not to do fasting and have a right to accept those food.

Basically ramadhan is about to welcome the day when first quran came, the first 5 ayat at ramadhan 17th. And to prepare ourself to get the special nite, lailatul qadar. Mostly it is about spiritually to build, and to balanced between body and spiritually.

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by neonitus

Its not as easy as you think. Try 16 hours a day in this heat weather, of no eating or drinking water or intaking anything in your body. From 5 am to like 9 pm. Tell me if that is easy. Also its not just about not eating or drinking water, its about clearing your mind and being a better person in general. Refrain from any bad things, smoking, drinking if people do, being patient and a better understanding person not letting your feelings judge how you respond to situations. You should try 16 hour fasts for 30 days and tell me how much easier it gets. OR at least one day or something, to understand. The hard part is if your working or a student studying for exams.

edit on 2-8-2011 by Madrespex because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:02 PM
well i went and survived the first bit albeit some heavy lifting at work and was thirsty the rest of the day lol

and for reason got a headache near the end today

fasting disrupts the sleep pattern, waking up at a certain time, eating before the certain time, than pray, you can go back to sleep or wait till work starts. than after eating go pray, offer some not compulsory but good if you did pray prayer and be home by 12 and start the cycle again

posted on Aug, 2 2011 @ 09:36 PM
i'd like to apologise for my previous (stupid) post. i asumed it was just for one day.
my bad and good luck to those taking part.
: /

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 05:33 AM
reply to post by neonitus

nothing is a stupid post (it increses your post count lol)

misunderstandings is how people learn, im happy i am able to teach someone one thing no matter how small it is

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 09:03 AM
As far as my understanding goes, it isn't really about almost killing yourself or physically harming yourself permanently (as some eastern religions may have it, or as sometimes the mystical aspect of Islam has it), it's more about reminding you once in a while what hunger is.

posted on Aug, 5 2011 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by babloyi

To me Ramadan is about purifing yourself in the inside and out, it's a challenge to prove your faith..

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