posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 06:11 PM
my name is jamie, I'm from Scotland, I'm 35, an electrician and have a 3 year old daughter, my faith is "science".
Been looking around for a while now and only just found the intro thread, great site, full of answers and great topics, my line of interest is mostly
about next year and all assosciated topics, I'm no scientist and hold no relevant scientific qualifications however I've allways found myself
extremely into the stars/planets, unexplained events/happenings, ufo's, NWO, elenin/nibiru etc etc and this site seems to support every 1 of my
Look forward to starting a thread/topic, the pieces of the jigsaw now seem to be fitting together more and more each time i visit
So from sunny Scotland I bid you all greetings and salutations