posted on Aug, 16 2004 @ 08:11 PM
L. Ron Hubbard did not study under Aleister Crowley, in fact Crowley hated the man.
L. Ron Hubbard hung out with Jack Parsons for a while, Parsons was enamored with hubbard and wrote to crowley about him, Crowley I believe met Hubbard
once and considered him to be a danger not only to himself but others. Crowley was not a fan of hubbards but hubbard was certainly a fan of
The scientology cross is lifted directly from crowley. Hubbard was the one who pushed parsons into what became known as the Babylon working.
To answer Rants statement, the reason you see "Dianetics and Scientology are trademarks of the Religious Technology Centre. This document is not
connected with that organisation in any way. "
The reason this statement is in there is because the writings recognised and owned through the RTC is protected very zealously, there are some
documents that RTC does not claim to own, those mainly being ones that paint scientology in a bad light and have been leaked to the public.
If they didn't put that little note in there it would open them up to a law suit by the church. As the church would most likely file a suit against
the xenu sight for lible and slander. To call the church over litigious would be nice.
In regards to the secret level statement in which they make mention that the xenu levels come later in the studies is true.
The levels originally went to OT Five I believe and know range up to ten or possibly higher. They do not tell practitioners of the faith the xenu
story until much later.
Tom Cruise who has been in the church for a long time is only (I believe) an OT 3 or 4, there are only a handful of OT 8's or higher David Miscavige
being one of them.
the Xenu and project clam bake sights while certiainly against scientology do not put anything up there that is false (aside from personal stories
which can be skewed depending on someones pov.)
The church of Scientology is a very complex organization/religion/corporation and should not be taken at face value.
[edit on 8/16/2004 by Spiderj]