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Dream Interpreter

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posted on Apr, 1 2003 @ 02:33 PM
I have been searching the web for a site that interprets dreams for a while and I found one that seems pretty interesting. There is even a small forum there similar to this one where you can discuss your dreams with others. I hope someone will find this useful.

posted on Apr, 1 2003 @ 04:17 PM
Great link PA. Thanks a lot

posted on May, 26 2003 @ 09:37 PM
There are many dream threads so I didn't know where to post this. I was just wondering if some people have fewer dreams than others or if some people just remember less?

I never seem to remember my dreams anymore and I was wondering if I'm just not remembering or maybe not dreaming at all. Do you think if you have a couple of beers at night before bed, that that could affect/prevent dreaming? There seems to be alot of members here that are familiar with dreaming, so I thought I'd see if anyone had any thoughts on dream frequency or the ability to remember dreams.

Is it possible that state of mind affects dreaming, for example depression or stress?

posted on May, 26 2003 @ 09:52 PM

Originally posted by ProudAmerican
There are many dream threads so I didn't know where to post this. I was just wondering if some people have fewer dreams than others or if some people just remember less?

I never seem to remember my dreams anymore and I was wondering if I'm just not remembering or maybe not dreaming at all. Do you think if you have a couple of beers at night before bed, that that could affect/prevent dreaming? There seems to be alot of members here that are familiar with dreaming, so I thought I'd see if anyone had any thoughts on dream frequency or the ability to remember dreams.

Is it possible that state of mind affects dreaming, for example depression or stress?

Anything that limits your memory will limit you ability to remember your dreams. That goes for beer as well.

Anyways, nice link. I thought some of there definitions were quite accurate, alothough some of them sound silly.


[Edited on 27-5-2003 by Abraham Virtue]

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by ProudAmerican
Is it possible that state of mind affects dreaming, for example depression or stress?

Absolutey! I think what is going on in our lives could definately affect how we dream. But you see it affects everyone differently. For instance: When I'm stressed out I usually don't remember or even don't dream at all.
Yet another may be stressed and have really odd or frightening dreams. Drinking before bed could also have something to do with it...not real sure though? If you want to remember your dreams, and are having trouble..then concentrate and focus on that throughout the day and especially right before you go to sleep..and when you wake up try and recall them and even write them down. Some people keep a dream journal and I've heard that it really helps them to stay in tune with their dreams..I don't know? If it's important to you then you could try all those things, but some people think why bother, they are just dreams? Well I'm not one of those people, I like to know what my dreams are, because they are a part of you just like everything else


posted on May, 27 2003 @ 06:55 AM
Everyone dreams every night.

The purpose of dreams is actually to keep you asleep.

Whether or not you have a waking recollection of your dream can be predicted by how close to your REM sleep period you wake up. If you wake up in the middle of a nightmare, you'll recall it fully.

If you go through a few sleep cycles after it and wake in a different state, there is nor reason you should remember your dream.

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 08:06 PM
I read somewhere that each dream lasts only about thirty seconds. However, Ive watched people dream for what must have been half an hour or more, judging by their spasms. I wonder if anyone has ever 'timed' dreams?

posted on May, 27 2003 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by Trader
I read somewhere that each dream lasts only about thirty seconds. However, Ive watched people dream for what must have been half an hour or more, judging by their spasms. I wonder if anyone has ever 'timed' dreams?

I have heard that the dreams can last at as long as two hours. I have also heard that the usual dream is not shorter than 30 seconds. Maybe you misunderstood the source, or the source wasn't clear enough in that perception. For I know that many of my dreams are longer than 30 seconds. Not all dreams can be that short. What do you think???


posted on May, 28 2003 @ 03:21 PM
I almost never remember my dreams.

thank you for the link PA

posted on Jun, 2 2003 @ 10:25 PM
All i can say is that if you got a weird dream there are people in that dream fourm that can realy tell you what it means!I told em about my weird dreams and they told me exactly how i was feeling in life.THANKS FOR LINK!

posted on Jul, 18 2003 @ 07:59 PM
Once I started writing down my dreams, I realized that not olny did I dream every day but most of the time had several dreams. To be effective, One must keep a log book and pen on a night stand by the bed. As soon as you open your eyes, grab your pen & paper and start writing. Don't worry if it's dark and you can't read what you are writing. You will be able to decipher later, and once you do, you will be suprised of how many details start coming back to you. Remember, in order to be effective, don't get out of bed or turn on the night light. Just start writing. Also get a book on dreams so that you can start figuring out what your dreams are trying to tell you.

[Edited on 12-7-03 by Walt]

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