posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 04:55 PM
You have voiced concerns that my friends raised also, with the tech issues I would guess that people have tried to scam the IRS into sending them
other peoples checks, phony returns using fake numbers and all kinds of stuff, I would just say that using the smartest minds, which is usually an 16
year old apprehended ex hacker and his friends, we could develop a system to safely provide honest data
The other issues you bring up already exist I think, churches and other groups ask their members to vote one way or another, or suggest it at least,
and provide rides to the polling places and snacks or etc, heck all of fox news talking heads could flood the system but they do that already with
their own polls, and then tout the results as being" 69% of the American people feel this way" I think that one person, one opinion, verified ,is
the only way to get a true consensus and one that really should matter to the politicians.
I am not the brightest bulb in the pack but, we have relied on our voting method to elect people to office because it seems very fair, make your
case and then we decide, one man, one vote, fraud and shady stuff happens also during these elections and we continue to fight evil elements that
creep into this system, but its still the best way to know how all the people feel.