posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 01:35 PM
I'll try to keep this short and sweet. What I am about to claim will be highly speculative and maybe even lucrative to some but I'm sure many others
will agree with me after some careful consideration and thought. Having kept a close eye on global events recently and with the knowledge I have
gained concerning the New World Order agenda I have come up with the following conclusions.
Global Economic Meltdown Orchestrated: From the very start of the federal reserve and the private banking system in general there has been a
very real and scary agenda. In the certain knowledge that this fiat currency system will eventually collapse the elite have steered and manipulated
the economy in a way which gives them as much power as possible. As we move closer and closer toward complete economic collapse I cannot help but
ascertain that the elite
want the collapse. They are not stupid, they knew this system was faulty for the people and government. They designed
it with Tyranny in mind. They want the collapse to happen so that afterwards they can install a one world currency and localise more power. Do you not
Some Middle Eastern Revolutions Instigated by the Elite: Obviously people aren't happy in a lot of middle eastern nations. This is no
surprise. What does surprise me is the rate at which the revolutions started, how focused in one region the revolutions are and how quick NATO were to
invade Libya. This all leads me to believe that something fishy is probably going on. We all know the elite have instigated revolutions in the past
with the agenda of influence expansion, money making and puppet posting.. It isn't absurd to think that they would do this again and we all know how
much they want the middle east...
Food crisis engineered: I believe that the looming food crisis is possibly being engineered with the intent of population control and public
dependence on the state. Pretty absurd sounding I know but completely plausible in my opinion.
Hack Attacks: I think that a lot of these pointless hack attacks may be False flag attacks with the intent to censor the Internet ever
World War 3: I honestly believe that most, if not all of the current conflicts around the world have been specifically engineered to provoke a
third world war. With war comes the opportunity to abolish enemy powers and spread influence and empire. There would also be the very real threat of
population reduction.. perhaps by 90%? (
) Considering the weapons now available to warmongers I am scared that WW3 will be of epic proportions.
Truly awesome in the traditional sense..
So there you have it. I think all of the above may well be part of the New World Order agenda which is globalisation and world domination. After money
means nothing to you what is left to do? I am pretty much certain of the first 2 points I made.
Deny Ignorance.