Hi, I've read ATS since it started, but never joined.
I've been perousing conspiracy sites, talk shows, media, books
for a very long time, being in my early 40's, the internet didn't really start
for me until my later 20's, and it wasn't very developed then.
I'm posting on this thread because I was also banned several times on GLP,
a forum which for a while I enjoyed, but which does seem to be more of a
money-making scheme than anything else. I'm aware of the claims of Trinity.
I knew something was wrong when they automatically prohibit even mentioning
the name "Alex Jones". Or ATS, or any other forum-based conspiracy site. See,
it's ok to post blogs there, but not "competing" forums. This is an indication of
business-only. Same as prohibiting easily maintained user features that 99% of
internet forums provide for free, they are just part of the program, such as the ability
to post images or send messages to other users.
I believe Trinity recognized a potential source of income professionally when the
young women started to join, and young men, many of whom spend the majority
of their time on the internet, wanted to contact them, so Trinity made that a pay-only
feature. Just like chat is pay. I don't buy at all the "three letter" gov "visitors" threats.
That's called promotion. However, let me tell you why I left for good.
On a growing number of internet forums, did you know it is now impossible to type
the word "Jew" ? That's right. Yahoo Finance forums will not let you type that word.
Godlike Productions will NO LONGER let you type that word. At first, if you try to use
the word "Jew", or "Jews", it changes the words to "Jewish people". Then, if you try
again, the words actually change to, in CAPS, "I AM AN IGNORANT RACIST".
Can you believe that ? Look, I am against racism and stereotypes, but I am also
for reasonable, polite free speech. Obviously, GLP is not.
edit on 30-12-2011 by RDprofessor because: (no reason given)