posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 08:54 PM
Yup just waiting on the "Tanks in the Streets",and "End of the World as We Know It" hyperbole. Paulson was definitely better at that type of crap than
Giethner apparently.
Nobody in CONgress respects Giethner, he can't even cheat on his taxes without getting caught. Skeletor on the other hand they were afraid of before
he was in government.
What's next in the playbook? Get Bernanke to pull liquidity so markets do seriously tank and something must pass? It worked last time why not now, and
I've never heard anyone in the MSM has ever bring this up when it's plain as day when you look at SOMA from those days. OOH here's one, I'm not sure
if TOTUS or POTUS could do this without Congress, but they could print up some US notes to pay the bills if they can't borrow some FRNs. Hell Ben
could even fire up the helicopters to distribute it.
I say the US note thing only half in jest. Any nation with control of its own currency could simply print money to pay the bills hence no default.
Such an act is seriously inflationary, but technically is not a default in any sense of the word. Greece and other members of currency unions and
those that have pegged their own currency to the dollar either lack this power or must first un-peg to print in comparison.
edit on 29-7-2011
by jefwane because: (no reason given)