posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 02:01 AM
I was downtown at about 8:45 this evening and saw what appeared to be an all black Black Hawk helicopter flying really low just above two or three
hundred feet in downtown air space. It was practicing landing at a hospital heli pad over and over again. So I assume, I kept seeing it lower down
over where I know a major hospital is. It would then circle back around and come in again. It was practicing this maneuver at some pretty high speeds.
There was also a police helicopter that flew by pretty fast also. Not sure if it was related, i only saw it pass by once. This is an interesting drill
of urban, high speed evacs and touchdowns at the hospital. Either a standard drill that I have just never seen before in the 20 years I have lived
here, or practicing for an upcoming disaster? What are your guys' thoughts?
PS I am well aware of the Air national guard unit that is stationed at PDX. I have seen these black hawks before but only on drug operation spotting
missions and rescues at Mt. Hood.