posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 08:49 PM
Hi there,
I'm Clatou from Spain and wish to greet everyone on the board and thank the operators for their work to make this possible, of course.
Lurking around for a while I was a little freaked out (or intimidated) about the sheer size and scope of this site, but I'm here for a reason, so
I'll try to sick it out (find my way through) and contribue as I can.
I have one second hand report about (i.e. someone told me he actually witnessed the occurrence) a UFO sighting in Spain which I consider to be
absolutely *bona fide*
I'll post details and Request for Info on the corresponding board. Perhaps not just now, as its late and I don't yet know exactly where to go, but
here I am
Bear with me...
Greetings to all from Clatou