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Is there any substantial evidence that a global elite exists?

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posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by Swills
Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones, and many other secret/non secret societies, just off the top of my head. Is it so hard to imagine those who control the money, food, Gov't, religion, Banks, Corps,etc are only looking out for their best interests, and which by the way the world is shaped today, I can say they aint looking out our best interests. Power + Money = Corruption every single time

edit on 28-7-2011 by Swills because: (no reason given)

To be is a stupid question...but hey, everybody can ask a honest question and to be enlightened.

You can add the royalties to your list....

There was a moment in history where kings and queens lost their say over their people and their kingdom and their land became democracies, republics and what not. I refuse to belief these kings and queen and all their nobels gave their power and lucrative income away without a fight....behind the scenes. A fight that is till going on to this day....and there is no indication that these 'elites' are losing their battle for power and riches.

The biggest conspiracy in that field is that the USA is still reigned by the british royals. There is a picture with Bush junior and the british queen which says it all....

This battle is fought behind the scenes and very subtile....they know what will happen to them if it comes out what they are doing to their flock. Heads will roll....just as what happened at the end of the french revolution.

These royal families have made packs to defend their wealth and power and they still inter-breed with eachother to keep the secrets and riches within the family. Beside their mingle in global economics and politics (membership bilderberg and other 'dubious' organisations) they bought say in the biggest significant companies in the world.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by TerryMcGuire

...a system of economics that was handed to us by God.

Call me crazy, but I don't think economics was part of God's plan. Economics is a human invention, designed to exploit the weak.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:09 AM
reply to post by MathematicalPhysicist

Do you remember posting this here?

Originally posted by MathematicalPhysicist

In science, when you make a claim, the onus or "burden of proof" is on you to substantiate the claim via evidence or experimentation/mathematical proofs.

Since you offer no evidence to back up your claim that the global elite do not exist, your OP is nothing but conjecture.

con·jec·ture   /kənˈdʒɛktʃər/ Show Spelled [kuhn-jek-cher] Show IPA noun, verb, -tured, -tur·ing.
1. the formation or expression of an opinion or theory without sufficient evidence for proof.

Did you join ATS to troll, or are you just bored while school is in summer recess?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by survivalstationSince you offer no evidence to back up your claim that the global elite do not exist, your OP is nothing but conjecture.

And yet, I'm not the one making the claim that a global elite exists. I am the one asking for evidence. My quote is sound and logical, you just applied it incorrectly.

Originally posted by survivalstationDid you join ATS to troll, or are you just bored while school is in summer recess?

It is very simple to dismiss one as a troll when you cannot produce valid evidence to support your claims.

As for the other posts that are quite lengthy and numerous, I will respond to them when I return. The responses have been pretty positive so far, so I hope users can keep up the civil discourse.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:34 AM
I'm of the opinion that elites will form with any human society. There will always be individuals more cunning and more determined who will group together to push the society in the direction that suits that elite. I would say it's almost human nature. Whether there is a coherent Global elite all pushing in the same direction is debatable, but I think if we look at how more things are becoming standardised around the globe, how laws in one country end up being implemented in other countries (smoking bans, carbon taxes, drug legality, financial regulations or lack of them) then there is quite a bit of evidence.

I sometimes like to think what I would do if I was in the Global Elite. How would I look at the average Joe on the street, what direction would I want the world to move in? Scary that sometimes I think I would be doing some of the things the Global elite are all ready doing.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 03:51 AM

Originally posted by MathematicalPhysicist
And yet, I'm not the one making the claim that a global elite exists. I am the one asking for evidence. My quote is sound and logical, you just applied it incorrectly.

You made the claim that the global elite does NOT exist. The onus of proof is on you to provide evidence to back up your claim.

Originally posted by MathematicalPhysicistIt is very simple to dismiss one as a troll when you cannot produce valid evidence to support your claims.

Unfortunately, I've learned to look at an OP's previous threads and posts to see what pattern of thought they apply. In some cases there is a clear pattern of evidence that emerges to support my theory that you may be trolling.

In a previous thread you tried to make the case that the global elite do not exist but we will be ruled by a one world government. Do you not see the contradiction here?

Perhaps you are not trolling. Maybe you are somewhat educated and seriously looking for answers. If that's the case, I suggest you dig very deeply into the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderburg Group and the Council on Foreign Relations. Look at the members since inception of the entities. Look at the nepotism and cronyism of the members. Follow the money trail on who supports what and remember not all those quotes are taken out of context.

Explain how this quote is taken out of context.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 05:03 AM

Originally posted by MathematicalPhysicist

Originally posted by Swills
Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones, and many other secret/non secret societies, just off the top of my head. Is it so hard to imagine those who control the money, food, Gov't, religion, Banks, Corps,etc are only looking out for their best interests, and which by the way the world is shaped today, I can say they aint looking out our best interests. Power + Money = Corruption every single time

Their best interests does not involve a one-world dictatorship. Why would billionaire executives willfully be taxed into poverty just to bring poor countries up to our standards? Business-wise, the status quo is much more favorable for the elites than a global fascist dictatorship.

They would GLADLY give tax upon tax upon grant upon faux checks and fiat transfers of banking electron denominations if they UNDERSTOOD that it all was nothing more than a showy act of 'generosity' based upon the value of thin air. Their investments in worthless tokens is DESIGNED to fool the masses into BELIEVING in the value of worthlessness, so that the masses will willingly enslave themselves and their children in pursuing worthlessness, while the 'rich' play, dance, and sing, playing the game of deciet amongst their loyal boot lickers...

So to the contrary... It is in their best interests to continue to enslave mankind using worthlessness as the tool to exploit the foolish of the only asset of real value mankind truly has...

Our Time.

We sell our only true asset for the used toilet paper they're providing, so that they can harvest more of the time available to them from such ignorant fools as makes their lives enjoyable to its fullest.

Of course, any intelligent person understands this. To PRETEND ignorance of this is to mark yourself as one who employs the agenda.

If you're still scratching your head about all this, well... stop what your doing, go to the park and think about it a little longer...

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 10:30 AM
yes there is obvioue evidence. here is how easy it is.

1. are there still monarchs and royals?
2. have they been known to have significant wealth?
3. do people with wealth invest it, doing everything imaginable to keep and grow what they have?
4. does wealth equal power and influence?
5. does 'he who has the gold make the rules'?
6. do people associate with other 'like minds'
7. have royal families usually mingled with each other, thinging they are better in some way than everyone else?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by survivalstation

WOW! Hillary's reptillian eyes really show themselves in that video!

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 10:47 AM
First I must apologize for not providing any links. It's just to early in the morning to be doing any research. However, your question brought a couple of things to mind that you may want to look up.

First, there's the fact the multiple people in power have openly discussed the intention of a New World Order. Specifically George Bush Sr, but there have been others.

Second, the United Nations put out something called Agenda 21. It's a very detailed document that's long and boring and reads like stereo instructions. But it also does discuss their N.W.O. plans, and it is available to the general public to read. It's basically a plan of action to be taken on a global scale.

Although I just want to add that you are totally right to ask such a thing. No idea, theory or news should be taken at face value, whether it's from the mainstream or the alternative media.
edit on 28-7-2011 by thepixelgarden because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 04:25 PM
The true global elites are all immortal, and they did control the world, they were the big brother corperation and many other corperations, how they became to be called big brother was by funding many of the top companys today secretly and forging documents preferring to remain secret. THis is end times, you might say end times on what, end times of a war on this planet for one that began at atlantis. There was a great teacher there the prince of atlantis and he was the real life god of war, he thought to teach an evil group of betreyers in antlantis a lesson, after faking their deaths, they sunk atlantis and were reborn to the betryer on both continents where the betreyers had landed as thier own children inm place of their children to save their children from being raped by them. The prince thought to teach the a final lesson full of judgements and trick, he set a calander that they mayans passed to us, it marks when the war end. For then end times of the war we were all reborn to the same betreyers we had at atlantis, today there is no big brother corperation, all of big brother has been reborn and i am one of them. We started reincarnating in the 1980's 1982 to be precise when the planet enetereed the photon belt. Their are many groups that have tried to claim are legacy since then but have failed, just as at the begging of the war we were born to the evil betreyers of atlantis we are again. I am marcus anthony the great lover leader of the roming empire and one of the leaders from atlantis, that's why my last name i talked to the grand father of the evil being i was to be reorn to and got him to change the name from le sage to le sarge. I mind tricked the evil to think i was their real child and to choose my own name. If you don't know the name athony it means athen need athen-nee it changed to for i was the need of athens and won the contests there and was the fastest being there they also named me zuese for they said "he zoo's(zues)" like a race car on approach heading toward you it goes zooooooo adn then past you goes saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa and they said i zooo'd anyways you don't have to believe me but if gods do exist they are here right now for this is their earth too and you think they are just going to do nothing while rapers rape. Why isn't god doing anything if he's real, about the rapers, the last judgement he is born as a mortal child judging these beings to see what they would do if he were one of their childs, our whole team are judging these evils

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:19 PM
The most easiest example of the existence of a global elite is the Rockefellers. Take David for instance, He links to the United Nations, Trilateral commission, Council on foreign relations, Aspen institute, Club of Rome, Bilderburg, World council of churches, the Rockefeller foundation ( which funds numerous globalist organizations and projects ), Planned Parenthood and many many more groups that have influence over governments, religion, education and media. All of this is confirmed with 10 minutes of research. He is globalist and an elite, or an elite globalist in control of many facets of our lives.You don't need YouTube, a blog or a conspiracy website to connect the dots, you just have to be able to see the dots.

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by NthOther

Call me crazy, but I don't think economics was part of God's plan. Economics is a human invention, designed to exploit the weak.

Sorry. I thought the "NOT" was implied by the dent my tongue was making in my cheek.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by MathematicalPhysicist

"To expect faulty humans to perfectly execute these plans throughout the centuries without any shortcomings is laughable."

Nobody that knows the truth has ever claimed the illuminati are humans.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:48 PM
Federal Reserve Act of 1913

You have to look no further than Jeckyl Island. When you find that it was an "elitist" privately owned ISLAND. (owning an island isn't the easiest thing to do you know). Then you research how they usurped our government by using ONE MAN (Aldrich plan). Its a pretty sound and verifiable piece of evidence that shows exactly how they use their money to get what they want. And if you look further, who actually wrote the "patriot act" document? And why was it written literally a decade before being passed? Its these things that spawn sites like this. Only the fact that just a minority people know the history of these events paints the picture as to why this is an ongoing coup attempt. Not against America, but freedom in general.

If you ask me, there is not only proof, they wave it in front of your face. We are just so used to being lied to, we don't know what the truth is anymore, and usually it is too late to take action.
edit on 29-7-2011 by no time because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:50 PM
The evidence you request is all around us.

I know I may get attacked for saying this, but... give Alex Jones a listen or two. He knows what's up.

posted on Jul, 29 2011 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by Gexi1992

they aren't perfect at all, global warming is a perfect example of how they screw up. They tried to paint humans as the enemy, when they should have used the term "climate change" in the beginning, and try to sell humanity on working together to save our asses. As it turns out the truth would have helped them, but instead they lied and lost all credibility because they got greedy and tried to create a ponzi (cap and trade) scheme to go along with it.

They are definitely human, and really not any smarter than you or I. Which is why it takes them 1000 years to get anything done. ( that doesn't make them less evil, or less dangerous)

edit on 29-7-2011 by no time because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 10 2011 @ 06:43 PM

Originally posted by seabhac-rua
I see various groups with their own interests.
Is there somebody behind the wheel steering all these powerful people in the same direction?
I doubt it.
The OP's assertion is correct, human nature defies this, they would all be trying to outdo each other(and probably are).
All the countries in the world, all their 'elites', all their politicians, all of them cooperating?
Of course you have secret societies, just like big boys clubs, of course they're are going to scratch each others backs, but to think that the Chinese establishment, for example, has the same world view and ambitions as some powerful American Families(Rockefellers etc) is wrong IMO.
Opportunism and greed on the part of large corporations exists, but history dictates that they would all sell each other out in a heartbeat.

edit on 28-7-2011 by seabhac-rua because: (no reason given)

Good point, but I think that you should look at this from a Darwinian perspective.

Yes they each want to become top dog, and natural selection will eventually run it's course. But it is human nature to form aliances with others of like mind to "eliminate" all other threats before taking on your allies in a "last man standing" sort of battle.

In other words, team up with the strongest few in order to insure your place in the finals. Then realign to defeat the rest...

posted on Aug, 11 2011 @ 06:06 PM
reply to post by MathematicalPhysicist

Your questions about a Global Elite or TPTB like many call them, can all be anwsered in the All Roads Lead to Rome Thread.

It's over 4000 Posts bur read it all, your efforts will be rewarded..!
edit on 11-8-2011 by mick1423 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 13 2011 @ 09:14 AM
What if the reason they are patient enough to do it over generations is because they know that death is an illusion and they can simply re-incarnate and become their descendants?

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