posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 10:31 PM
If you help someone whom is injured, is it not "care"?
You do not have to feel before you act, your actions are what is key, feelings can be of any kind - I can even feel bad when helping someone and at
the same time be in a state of selfless kindness towards that person.
We can only see emotions as energies, to judge oneself is a product of thier own actions, and feelings attributed to those actions can be of a
plethora of possible sensations.
When you truly escape the confines of emotion, you will realise that it is possible to make pain pleasurable and to make pleasure painful - they are
frequencies and you can alter either the source of those frequencies or the reception of those frequencies - so for example, an intense pain can be
offset by a counter-frequency - similar to how two brave individuals who engage in combat generally feel and inflict far less pain than cowardly or
resentful individuals.
There was a time where we were far less sensitive to even physical pain - and paradoxically, it is the human extreme sensitivity to pleasure that
allows for our extreme sensitivity towards pain.
Although, at this point I must digress, the system itself is what is to blame for our more accute sensitivities towards physical sensations, and
additionally our reduced sensitivities to denser emotional spectrums.
edit on 28-7-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason
edit on 28-7-2011 by SystemResistor because: (no reason given)