posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 06:02 PM
Originally posted by ADVISOR
Considering London is now, like terrorist central, the hostile intelligence agencies there have doubled since the cold war. What makes any one think
we would not assist Britain or England and such in a martial law situation?
Terrorist central? That's a bit of a stretch, care to elaborate?
And like has been said already, the very moment
any foreign troops are used anywhere Europe to prop up a failing Government is the day that
Government dies. It is unthinkable and, for the populace, unnaceptable. I highly doubt this is the reason for what are probably boring, mundane
If, however, US troops do end up deployed to suppress dissent in the UK, let's just say their won't be a shortage of volunteers to eject them.
We're not as defenceless and unnarmed as people like to think. In fact, there are more guns in circulation now than ever before, despite legislation
making getting hold of them slightly harder.