(A quick preface... this post is in no way meant to be anti-Christian, Islam, Jewish, or any of the other organized religions commonly recognized
around the world. I am a firm believer in personal freedoms; physical, mental, and spiritual.)
Good morning fellow ATS'ers,
Like many of you, I too feel that there is a group of elitists whose families have, for generations, been plotting and scheming to bring the world
under their control in the form of a one-world government. It also stands to reason that since man can be spiritual in nature that a one-world
religion would go far in supporting said government and quelling any would-be rebellion or dissidence.
After much research into Celtic and western European history over the last few months I believe I have found sound evidence to support my theory that
the elite need organized religion to be prevalent in order to achieve their goal of world domination.
A few quick links for the three major religions commonly known to the west...
Most of us are familiar to some extent or another with these beliefs. We see churches, synagogues, and to a lesser extent in the United States,
mosques, every day without fail. We know the Golden Rule, the 10 Commandments, what a Bar Mitzvah is, perhaps even the 5 Tenets followed by muslims.
Organized religion is considered a normal, and in some areas, an absolute, way to live ones life.
But what about those who do not adhere to the major religions? What about the pagans in all of their varieties? Or the atheists who require more than
faith for belief?
For the most part they are shunned.
Ridiculed and demeaned.
The question then is why? Why does organized religion seem to go out of it's way to make life more difficult for the heretics/infidels? Is it the
nature of the religion or is there an agenda at work?
And how does all of this fit in with a one-world government hell-bent on complete control of humanity?
The simple answer: Conformity. Every person believing the same thing, having the same thoughts, reacting to change in the same manner. A pre-ordained
set of actions that will be taken by one who follows a certain faith or belief system.
Example: Muslims must pray to the East 5 times a day. Christians are normally expected to pay 10% of their gross income in tithes to the church. Jews
must abstain from consuming food that is not kosher.
Religious norms, norms that are hardly even questioned and most usually blindly followed. Questions are usually met with hostility and barbed
inquiries into the asker's strength of faith.
Let's look back to the Spanish Inquisition...
The Inquisition
Some historians say this tragic period in our history was a play by the Catholic church to solidify the power of the Holy See (the Vatican). Others
say it was intended to discredit and destroy freemasonry as athiests and blasphemers.
I theorize that the Inquisition was brought about to once and for all quell the ancient pagan traditions that were as unique and varied as the people
of western Europe. These people, while similar in some respects, worshipped and lived in ways that were troublesome to the powerbrokers (read Church)
of the world at that time. From one tribe to the next the ruling class did not know exactly what to expect from these wild peoples.
The Spanish and medieval inquisitons, followed by the mass witch hunts in Europe and even Salem, all drew inspiration from the late Roman empire
conversion to Christianity by Constantine. The Emperor Constantine, who oversaw the Council of Nicaea. The very same Council who canonized the Bible
and excluded the apocryphal books as heretical because of their similarities and even acceptance of paganist traditions.
The failure of these movements to destroy the ancient traditions, in my opinion, is what brought about the Great Commision missionairy movements of
the past few centuries.
You might ask why the NWO would care so much about silly pagans. It is a valid question, and I think it can best be answered as such...
Pagans/witches/atheists are predominately strong-willed outsiders. Loners. More self-sufficient (on average) than your everyday Catholic. They do not
pray for things to change... they actively try to promulgate the change they desire. They do not wait for clarification from an Imam or Pope; they
research and find the answers for themselves. They do not blindly believe what is given to them by decree; they question. And what if, just if, the
powers they claim to manifest truly exist? How would the NWO even begin to control that which is uncontrollable?
The last thing the NWO wants are large numbers of people who think and question, who defy ignorance, who act rather than complain. For the NWO,
heaping the majority of the world's population into a clear and definied idealogy makes 'reigning in the herd' much easier. I believe that is why
you see verses such as Exodus 22:18... "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." And the banning of ancient traditions such as scrying and divination
practiced by our ancestors who celebrated their connection with their ancestors and the natural world. I also theorize that due to the threat said
connection has to the plans of the NWO is why we see such tragedies as the recent Gulf of Mexico oil spill and the continued pollution of the
environment. If you cannot destroy the pagan outright, simply destroy or diminish the source of their power.
This is my theory and one that I believe holds some merit. I am sure many of you will disagree with my thoughts on this subject, which is why ATS is
such a wonderful site, seeing as it opens our eyes and minds to new ways of seeing and thinking. Thanks for taking the time to read, and I look
forward to reading your responses.