posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 10:59 PM
I've been reading through ATS for several months now if not a year. During that time I've seen some very interesting, thought provoking posts and
some not so interesting. Many times I have want to post something to soneone's thread just not enough to get a membership until recently I guess.
Of course the thread I really wanted to reply to was removed, although for good reason as the title itself could incite anger and/or hatred of
Anyways eventually I will post more about myself and some personal experiences, to include some very unexplainable family occurances that got me
interested in sights like this that discuss topics normally not considerred acceptable in regular society. Of course I can only post based on memory
and/or 1st hand accounts of things people experienced or saw. Unfortunately I will not be able to help anyone here with providing actual physical
proof of anything, my experiences have convinced me of some things but as most people are generall cynical in nature (in my opinion anyways) generall
people need their own experiences to form their own beliefs.
I am very open minded regarding most topics although i try to think things through thoroughly before just jumping to believe anything. Generally I am
not a conspiracy theorist although I do believe an old statement that "power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely". Taking that in mind
there are many people in our world with some sort of power or another and most of them will do whatever they can to hold onto that power or gain more
power. That of course will lead to all kinds of horrible acts, which these same people will in turn try to hide to make the average public believe
they are great. There will probably be some truth to many conspiricy theories out there because of this but most seem to pick and chose pieces of
information in order to prove somebodies opinion (not always intelligently either). People like to label people so when a few people come out and
provide eaxtreme off the wall conspiracy ideas than everyone with their own conspiracy idea gets labelled crazy, regardless how well formed or
intelligently reasoned to come to certain conclusions. (no i do not have my own conspiracy theory but some posts here can be annoying making everyone
think anyone on here, or who reads anything here is crazy)
I look forward to reading many posts and hope to be able to provide valued input in some cases. When I do post I hope people have an open mind, things
I would post are not way out there (in my opinion) but they definitely were strange and unexplainable occurances.