posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by origamiandurbanism
Unless I am mistaken (I am not), Obama is trying to actually get something done despite the deadlock in the Capitol. That's why he's "lying down,"
he wants to lift the debt ceiling but the Republicans are in the way of this and must be appeased, or else the House cannot produce anything useful.
The problem is that the Tea Party is made up of radical (not conservative at all) ideologues and panders to an even more extreme constituency of
maniacs, paranoids, and the willfully ignorant. Despite the old Republicans' efforts to raise the debt ceiling, as they have done dozens of times
before, the GOP in the House is unable to overcome the hurdle that is the Tea Party fanatics. That's why Obama has to keep "lying down;" it's the
only way to even begin to approach a bargain that pleases people whose stated goal is the destruction of the government.
I think that in the next election, Obama will become the ACTUAL conservative candidate. Remember what conservative really means; conserving the status
quo. The liberal democratic welfare state has been status quo for decades, now. The retired persons who depend on a solvent SS fund, the vets who
depend on solvent benefits, the liberals and the old-guard Republicans ALL stand in opposition to the Tea Party's radicalism, but many are bound by
political reasons (John Boehner sure isn't going to give up being Speaker just because his party is uncooperative and crazy). I think that Obama will
be seen as the Sensible Choice for president by people who, five years ago, would have been considered to be on opposite sides of the political
spectrum. The Tea Party is THAT divisive and THAT far right. Their appearance in Congress has tipped the scales, and now even George Bush seems like a
liberal compared to them.