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Just my idea of what has been going on.

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posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 11:12 AM
I've been thinking...and I've came up with a theory about aliens.

Apparently we are visited day-by-day by certain beings who abduct, observe and seem to interfere in some cases, with our lives. Now, their could be a simple reason for this. Going back now, to what is said in the bible; it is said that when jesus was born, a great star was seen in the night sky and mary was a virgin who was made pregnant. My theory is the star seen that night was a alien spacecraft and I believe mary may have been abducted to birth an alien child named Jesus (would explain his unusual powers). Not only that, many differen't civilizations from around the world have been seeing strange lights in the sky and encountering strange beings over many years. The aztecs made runways for what? nobody is quite sure, but some people believe it to be runways for beings that could fly. They also marked huge pictures on the ground that could only be seen in the sky. Why would they make them if they cannot possibly fly and see them? Even dating back to the cavemen, there are drawings of disc shaped objects and contact with other beings -- something that has puzzled historians for many years.

Why? well, my guess is these aliens or 'beings' are the ones that spawned life on this planet. They abduct, observe and interfere when they see it necessary. Like scientists they look at us, prod us, take control of us and experiment. We are their creation, we are their lab rat. Some say they are evil or even demons and others say they are angels. Whatever they are, I believe them to be in relation to God and Jesus, maybe God and Jesus are Aliens, who knows?

In this very age of modern times, we're smarter and more sceptical about things and have the right to research and find out for ourselves. Back in the day of sorcery and witchcraft -- middle ages, England; people were executed for questioning and taking faith in something else. Which might be why certain religions exist for so long and haven't changed. People thousands of years ago didn't understand the things we understand today because they don't have the benefits we have, that is why in this day and age, more theories are made and more questions are made and answered.

Whatever reason these aliens are here for, the government doesn't want us to know. It could be that they hold the key to the truth of God and Jesus, or the key to the destruction of our race and so a treaty is made. If it is the key to religeous purposes and people got the truth, then obvious mass chaos would arise and peoples beliefs would be tarnished and unable to forgive and rioting would occur with wars and death. The other explaination would be if they did hold the key to destruction of our race (and a treaty is actually made because of this), that would mean the government would be sharing information with them in terms of technology and resources. Looking at our solar system wouldn't it just MAYBE be possible that they went from planet to planet using up each planet's resources and polluted them to what we see today?

Whatever the answer is to all of this, I am quite certain our governments hold the truth to all of it and do not want us to know for our own good.

Just my idea of what has been going on.

[edit on 15-8-2004 by Thao]

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 11:18 AM
I have no idea why I have two topics posted. Maybe my browser lagged when I pressed post, I'm not sure.

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 11:19 AM

I've been thinking...and I've came up with a theory about aliens.

Wow! Thanks for laying it all out in such a concise, comprehensive way.

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 12:23 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

I've been thinking...and I've came up with a theory about aliens.

Wow! Thanks for laying it all out in such a concise, comprehensive way.

Hope that isn't sarcasm. I just wanted to share my thoughts with other users. I resent my way my of writing because I do not come from a very educated background. I have had to educate myself over many years to actually be able to write down what I want to say. Amittedly it is not great -- I am still working on it.

If it wasn't sarcasm; then, thankyou for your comment.


posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 12:26 PM
I couldn't agree with you more on all points. I will say that I believe the RCC/Vatican have been working hard for hundreds of years to keep God, err rather, Lord God, from being revealed as a celestial being. In that, yes the US Gov. and others alike conspire to hide this secret as well.


BRB . . .In a few


posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 12:40 PM
Thao, check this out. About eight years ago or so I saw my first ufo/charriot of fire/object, and after that I asked myself did God create them too, not knowing how big this can of worms was that I was about to embark on, I opened the Bible and started reading it for myself instead of being told what it had to say. Wha~La, its all in there, just as you and I have come to believe or at the very least give thought too. From what I gather of the first six chapters of this book, the Earth evolved and brought forth plants and animals and man. Then the very next page, I believe, speeks of an intervention of the Gods and Angels.

Do you feel like persuing the evidence in the book of Genesis, if so, pm ME. Or just reply here, we may get ripped apart by others but it could be interesting.

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by Thao

Hope that isn't sarcasm.

I was being sarcastic, Thao, but not in a derisive way. It was more in a cynical way, I guess. But, sarcasm is a form of humor and I was interjecting a little humor. Like a lot beliefs we hold, your "theory" is hard to substantiate, making it hard to argue. I can't say you're wrong. I can't say I'm right.

Remember this, though. ATS, in its infinite widsom, grants points to the originator of a thread for even sarcastic responses and if sarcasm sparks discussion, then all the better.

Welcome to ATS and check out Collaborative Fiction. Oh, and keep a light heart. It really helps.

[edit on 04/8/15 by GradyPhilpott]

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 12:51 PM
The bible is filled with symbolism and many passages that are very easy to interpret in any way you see fit. Here's one I came up with, but I don't have the biblical passage in front of me so it might not be exactly right...

I am referring to the passage where John baptizes Jesus in the river Jordan, and a dove descended from heaven over his head.

If you take the underside profiles of a dove in flight and, for example, say a C-130 military transport, they look very, very similar. So, to take this one step further, every atmospheric craft must have wings of some sort, and so would look somewhat like a dove. To anyone standing nearby, if would look like a massive bird had desceneded out of the sky and bathed Jesus in a frothing, swirling mass of water and a massive voice boomed out:
"This is my son, in who I am well pleased." That would make quite an impression on those technologically backward natives.

I too believe alien interference is the most logical explanation for the bible, and religion in general. Another thoery of mine:

well, i was originally going to post this in the religion forum because it kind of ties in but i'll post it here because it seems to make sense.

well, i was originally going to post this in the religion forum because it kind of ties in but i'll post it here because it seems to make sense.

ok, have u ever played halo? because this ties in very heavily with that. basically, i believe we are second generation humans. that is, before our time, there was another time very far back in history that humans had very advanced technology, more advanced than we do now. like deep space travel. and something happened. most of the humnas were wiped out, along with their technology. but 1, maybe two starships got away, and fled deep into space. and later, when they came back, they found earth had regrown around the remains of their civilization, and humans had regressed into very primitive stages. so instead of landing and re-establishing a very advanced society, they decided to wait until later when the second-gen humans had become more advanced and stopped being so violent. and to try and influence our behavior, they sent down a missionary with, maybe two others. we called him Jesus. but his mission pretty much failed. seeing the futility of attempting to modify our behavior themseilves, they set up their starships in orbit around a planet (pick one, it doesn't really matter) and put the remaining crewmembers into suspended animation. their AI construct was set up to monitor earth and determine when they could be revealed to give humanity a technology boost and get us spread out to other planets.

so to tie all this in to this forum, the "aliens" are ships sent by the construct to monitor us. this is still egotistical, but slightly better than agent23212's original scenario.

of course, there are a zillion variations on this basic scenario i just laid out. like instead of a construct, a small skeloten crew is kept awake to monitor us and they keep their population stable


posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 01:26 PM
The bible is filled with symbolism and many passages that are very easy to interpret in any way you see fit.

Agreed. I also believe that the wording can reflect the interpretation.

And the LORD God formed man [of] the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

Prior to this it was God that caused the Earth to bring forth. Now it says the LORD God 'formed' not created man, of the dust.

So my interp here is man already existed and was already of the earth/dust. This is proven later when Man was sent back to the land from which he was 'taken'.

Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 01:45 PM

Originally posted by GradyPhilpott

Originally posted by Thao

Hope that isn't sarcasm.

I was being sarcastic, Thao, but not in a derisive way. It was more in a cynical way, I guess. But, sarcasm is a form of humor and I was interjecting a little humor. Like a lot beliefs we hold, your "theory" is hard to substantiate, making it hard to argue. I can't say you're wrong. I can't say I'm right.

Remember this, though. ATS, in its infinite widsom, grants points to the originator of a thread for even sarcastic responses and if sarcasm sparks discussion, then all the better.

Welcome to ATS and check out Collaborative Fiction. Oh, and keep a light heart. It really helps.

[edit on 04/8/15 by GradyPhilpott]

Ok. I'll take that comment and stick it somewhere for future reference...

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 01:52 PM

Originally posted by NothingMakesSense
The bible is filled with symbolism and many passages that are very easy to interpret in any way you see fit. Here's one I came up with, but I don't have the biblical passage in front of me so it might not be exactly right...

I am referring to the passage where John baptizes Jesus in the river Jordan, and a dove descended from heaven over his head.

If you take the underside profiles of a dove in flight and, for example, say a C-130 military transport, they look very, very similar. So, to take this one step further, every atmospheric craft must have wings of some sort, and so would look somewhat like a dove. To anyone standing nearby, if would look like a massive bird had desceneded out of the sky and bathed Jesus in a frothing, swirling mass of water and a massive voice boomed out:
"This is my son, in who I am well pleased." That would make quite an impression on those technologically backward natives.

I too believe alien interference is the most logical explanation for the bible, and religion in general. Another thoery of mine:

well, i was originally going to post this in the religion forum because it kind of ties in but i'll post it here because it seems to make sense.

well, i was originally going to post this in the religion forum because it kind of ties in but i'll post it here because it seems to make sense.

ok, have u ever played halo? because this ties in very heavily with that. basically, i believe we are second generation humans. that is, before our time, there was another time very far back in history that humans had very advanced technology, more advanced than we do now. like deep space travel. and something happened. most of the humnas were wiped out, along with their technology. but 1, maybe two starships got away, and fled deep into space. and later, when they came back, they found earth had regrown around the remains of their civilization, and humans had regressed into very primitive stages. so instead of landing and re-establishing a very advanced society, they decided to wait until later when the second-gen humans had become more advanced and stopped being so violent. and to try and influence our behavior, they sent down a missionary with, maybe two others. we called him Jesus. but his mission pretty much failed. seeing the futility of attempting to modify our behavior themseilves, they set up their starships in orbit around a planet (pick one, it doesn't really matter) and put the remaining crewmembers into suspended animation. their AI construct was set up to monitor earth and determine when they could be revealed to give humanity a technology boost and get us spread out to other planets.

so to tie all this in to this forum, the "aliens" are ships sent by the construct to monitor us. this is still egotistical, but slightly better than agent23212's original scenario.

of course, there are a zillion variations on this basic scenario i just laid out. like instead of a construct, a small skeloten crew is kept awake to monitor us and they keep their population stable

That is a very interesting theory. Much better than mine. I'm liking that theory, seems to fit the picture better than most I've heard.

posted on Aug, 15 2004 @ 02:30 PM

That is a very interesting theory. Much better than mine. I'm liking that theory, seems to fit the picture better than most I've heard.

Thanks. Another one kind of runs along the same lines but instead of second gen humans you have an ape that was modified by a group of passing aliens, which ties into your theory a little bit, but then runs along the same lines as the second gen thoery.

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