posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 02:07 AM
Essentially, the human eyes determine what we perceive, and when we can alter our perception, we can see different realities. This does not
necessarily mean an entirely new dimension, it means a distorted or enhanced perception of reality.
For example, if the perceptual components of DNA can be manipulated, then, if there are a set of codes for the production of perception, keeping in
mind how radically different our perceptions can be when we take hallucinogens, thus creating how we collectivley "see".
Thus, when it comes to synchronicity between different "realms" of perception, what occurs is that there are different linkages between objects
perceived between entities of differing levels or varieties of perception.
For example, if the perceptual alteration contains a machine or artificial component - we are talking of synthetic humans that have been crossed with
naturally evolved humans, synthetic beings are those that were designed with the building-blocks of DNA, however, were grown and "manufactured"
Thus, varying items in our world might be a product of the simulation, and other objects might be naturally occuring. Additionally, our actions in our
world can actually be different in the other world - for example, we are unaware that we have alternate selves (as perceived by other beings) in the
alternate reality.
My idea is that, we are living in a partially artificial world, owing to the genetic design or alteration that occured to the human race.
In terms of proof for such tampering, the evidence if the events had occured tens of thousands of years ago, would be difficult to measure, and given
that we live in a partially augmented reality, the evidence could actually exist, however, we would only have the reference of the world that we have
come to know.
In a nutshell, what our eyes see is a distortion of what our natural eyes should perceive, and there is "another world" that is the "real world"
and this world (that we perceive) is partially artificial.