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Australian mind control

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posted on Sep, 8 2004 @ 11:17 AM
Why, thank you, kind sir, for your courtesy.

And putting aside your other opinions on the kooris, I do hope that you now have better knowledge of why many Australian plants require fire for germination.

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 10:52 AM
hmmm it would be so very good if this post went back on topic for a few pages finally?

posted on Sep, 9 2004 @ 07:15 PM
If you're referring to the original question - regarding Australian military use of koori psychic powers which supposedly were the result of Maralinga, Youngin, I don't think that the topic starter has returned to add any more to this theory.

Sorry I can't be of any help in that!

posted on Sep, 11 2004 @ 08:48 AM
yeh no worries, and im deleting my remark about old people should hurry up and die, it was pathetic. i should have more respect for the elderly, and im sorry to any that were offended. I went to the funeral of my great aunt the other day, i didnt know the woman, but all the older people who went had some really cool stories to tell and had experianced a lot. I am truly sorry about my comment and regret.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 08:49 AM
gidday, am a murri (aboriginal) woman from qld oz. 1st, wow what an interesting place this is!

aboriginal peoples knowledge systems, like the kadaichi or featherfoot man, are really only known by those who have gone through initiation ceremony. this is something that is painful and can never be spoken of or u'd be breaking lore.

when u get down to the bones of it tho, its based on vibrational science, and aboriginal people were/are masters of it.

the didjeridoo is the most basic example, there are now whitefella's who use the didj for vibrational healing but they let women play too which is a big no no for aboriginal people/women.

walkabout is another basic example, u hear stories bout seeing an old man in one place and then being in another place, e.g. driving in outback see old man on side of road then when u get to next town he's there! how'd he do it u wonder?

the bora ring which is a primary instrument in the initiation ceremony is another example. the chinese knew of the earths vibrations too, they call it feng shui - its like the earth is ringed with energy lines and there are certain points on the earth where these lines intersect each other. such places are where u'd find a bora ring.

and there is much much more. but its not my place to say and i dont even know the half of it anyways to say anything more.

as for the clever fella's (basically kadaichi man), ive had my own personal experience. i once had a sore back, unexplained why or how i got it, my mum was massaging the area to try fix it up and i complained bout her scratching me with her nails. to which she replied that she wasnt, it rang bells in her ears coz there's a thing called being 'caught' in aboriginal way. basically it means that someone has done a thing kinda like bad magic to ya. my mum knew how to deal with such things, having been shown by an old uncle. she set about removing my trouble spot by doing some murri magic - this is no word of a lie - she pulled strange hairs and a small stone from my back and got rid of em how they're sposed to be gotten rid off. then she called the old uncle and told him what happened to me, he said dont worry i'll come and look what happened - and not in the physical sense of catching a plane from the top of end to the south part of the state, he meant in spirit form. he did and reported back to my mum that'd i'd be all right and that it was something checking me out. i never got an explanation of the something and neither did she, all we had to know what i was gonna be alright.

there's a place in the territory in kakadu that is sleeping place for a terrible spirit, the place is loaded with uranium and other related minerals and is a prime sight for mining, was even under microscope for it to happen. at the moment the traditional owners there have kept them away from this particular place, not out off kakadu entirely but away from there anyways. they reckon if that spirit is disturbed its curtains for one and all, and i believe em.

there is not much known about aboriginal peoples knowledge systems because its not meant to be for general consumption or knowledge. but it is real.

bastest, i applaude input here in response to those who negate the existence of racism in australia toward aboriginal people. institutionalised racsim runs deep and strong, there is no doubt about that.

i have no doubt that the australian, even american, defence forces have in some way tried to tap this knowledge. they have seen it themselves first hand, but the old people can see thru them, see their intentions and i doubt if they would share as much as the defence would like them too.

and as for the tampa, i doubt very much that aboriginal people would have anything to do with causing harm to people that they dont even know, especially if its just to keep the whitefella's happy.

another koori said on here that the spiritual world and the physical worlds are intertwined, they're right bout that too. the ancestors are always around us.

posted on Jan, 30 2005 @ 11:42 AM
Bastet, Im enjoying your post!

I did want to mention however that if im not mistakin, certain tribes have used fire for thousands of years to regenerate bushland and flush out game. perhaps this is what Sirius has confused?

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 04:03 AM
This has made funny reading, thank you Gammin_myall for your accuracy.

I am Aboriginal & come from a Tribe who practise Aboriginal Lore/Law inc: Promised Marriages, Tribal Punishment (Spearing etc), Secret Mens Business, Secret Womens Business, Kuruwarri (Songs/Prayers 4 country), Witchcraft (Singing Death, Bone Pointing etc) & other things refered to... I am also well educated & spoken in the "White Mans Way" so to speak. We come from the Desert in WA/NT boarder & belong to 3 tribes by bloodline, I speak my languages fluently & understand about 5. We also have virtually NO problems with Alcohol & Drugs, Violence etc in our community as there are no LAW's practicable in force or enforced except those from our elders who follow the older ways properly.

We also belong to Dreamings from Man's side: for The Rainbow Serpent & Woman's side: The Featherfoot.

Let me clarify a few things:
In my tribe & many tribes...
The 'Featherfoot' (Blood Avenger, Kidatja Man) is the same thing.
Womens Lore is the more feared / powerful.
The Technology on 'How' to use the Supernatural Abilities speculated on in this thread is secret & only for the initiated.

I am telling you about ALL that can be disemminated.

This will probably be a little eye opener to most of you non-aborigines but I must say that none of this here is particularly secret as it is ALL common knowledge (even for children) in our groups. But as stated earlier by someone else "most ab people are not 'braggers'" & therefore this kind of converstaion is not typical (thou not forbidden) in our culture. It is forbidden however to discribe details on use of technology (which I will NOT go into). Since it is common for non-ab people to freely share knowledge I will do this with you for your benefit as I see your questions deserve responce. I hope you appreciate.

The 'Featherfoot' is a Spiritual Being (in the form of a man) normally but can take the form of anything in order to carry out his duties. Some are good, most are bad. They reek of dead bodies, travel like wind, leave no track or trace & inescapably track down breakers of the Law & punish usually with death (like the Grim Reaper).

There are many levels of Aboriginal Law for initiated men. Most people here have refered to only the first stage.
Most of all of the people in our tribe have all completed stage 2. The stages are in order with more trials/pain/secrecy/power. The 3rd stage is when a mortal can 'change' & momentarily become a 'Featherfoot' (FF). It is at this mastered stage when he can use the power of the FF to uphold the Law.
Everyone in my direct line eventually completes stage 3 & up as we belong (BY Decent/Bloodline/Dreaming) to the Featherfoot. All of our secret Men's names are FF names that belong to the FF & we are named after particular FF's. They ALL have personalities & stories assoc. FF black magic cannot be effectively used on us in Malice as we belong to & are protected by the FF. Esp our women/sisters etc. For instance if an enemy from another tribe changes using FF magic & travels through t&s ('flick/s'-in an instant) into our area to commit malice, women in our family know the FF song to sing which will cause the magic (& paint, emu feathers etc) used to fall off this man until he is a mere mortal standing naked & trapped in your land. Ready for a spearing.

Knowing what I know, suprisingly there was NOTHING that you mentioned that is NOT POSSIBLE for these 3rd + Level's to do (in essence). That includes, astral travel, forseeing future, time/space travel, killing by mind voodoo etc..

People above the 3rd level (like 4&5th + etc) are usually known as 'Maparn' or witch doctors. They can of course do that & more. I say 'in essence' because each person you could say has areas of expertise. Just like surgeons/doctors they are all trained in all the black arts but some are better in certain areas or prefer working in certain areas. Some are known as great healers some as great justice bringers or murderers (which way do you look at it), ALL are respected.

Being a Maparn is different from being the main leader/politician in your tribe, although they can be the same but often are NOT as most Maparn men prefer to stay out of day-to-day political business.

Ulitimately being a Maparn doesn't mean you can be bad & get away with it. Remember that you are using the FF's power to exact revenge. Used inappropriately it can backfire with dire consequences. The FF is like an Arch Angel who works for the Main Creator Spirirt (God) carrying out duties on earth (Like the Holy Spirit).

Also Spirit World/(Real) World are two sides of the same coin & cross over everywhere ALL the time! You can never escape the eyes of the spirit world (As the eyes of God or the Spirit Spear of the FF).

There are also:
Little Hairy men with stone chests/bodies.
Big hairy men (Bigfoot).
Spirit Women (Banshees) look young/beautiful but trap you & eat you.
Formless Spirit who comes paralizes you & eats your soul.
Ancestor Spirits.
Bush people still walking around making campfires etc.
& many others NOT to be confused with FF (featherpeople).

I hope this is useful to you.

I can not really go into much more esp on HOW to do this.

We have been doing this since it was handed to us after the Dreamtime. Not since Maralinga (Atomic Tests) or whatever?!

Eg. One white man who was friendly with aboriginals once asked me:
Oldest culture in the world, most desolate environment... Once walking in the desert for far too long to a waterhole with no safe return/backtrack to the next nearest water source; how would you know (or how could you 'see') that the water hole you are travelling to is full before you get there? With NO way back you would have to be sure.

Is it possible for Aboriginals to Travel through Space & Time?

I answered: Well we are here today.

For far too long we have been labelled 'stupid'.

Why are Non Ab people devoting so much time/money/science to discover the secrets that they supposedly don't even believe in?

They must be missing out on something...

If you had a secret this great would your govenment share it?

We will get our Land back when other admit their wrongs & hand it back. This is the ONLY way, to snatch back will only make you hate us more & we will never really have it back nor will we have forgiveness; we would only create more hatred. Ab people will forgive & then we can move on. In our Law you can only be forgiven once you face up, then you are free forever. Forever forgiven.

We want you to come to our table.

We have always been going to yours (out of respect-for others cultures).

We have always been used to other Tribes with different laws (in marriage etc) & different languages etc which we can not understand & always given them respect by NOT interfering with their government.

We can not admin/punish others (inc other races/non ab's) by our laws/culture so why does the Gov continually admin/punish us by theirs?

If you want to act ignorant we will let you. This is how we deal with spoilt children also. In English it is called 'contempt'.

This is what our old people believe.

Do NOT confuse kindness with weakness.

What will you do?


By the way you don't need a time 'machine'.

We never had any modern machines.

We never had a USE to invent the 'Wheel' as we don't carry around with us heavy things, nor did we ever need to.

We did however invent the 'Wing' a long time ago.

We have more technologies that you do not know about yet.

We also have little if none of the social problems western society has today (when Ab Law/Lore is&/was practised correctly) - Disrespect for others/cultures, disrespect for parents, elders, stealing, rape, child abuse, pollution, greed, worship of capitalist money & beauty, abuse of women & animals & land. The list goes on & on... Some people will say that these things exist in communities & that is true because it is an introduced way of thought that was under-the-cover ALLOWED by Non-Ab in the past when the Elders Powers & Authority was STRIPPED of them. We were never really properly showed how to use your things, just given them. The damage that was never warned to us is now our responsibility to fix up - all by ourselves.

I thank most of you for being open & asking polite questions.

This is the way you will learn from us.

Be humble: Ask & you shall receive.

Want to find 'The Answers' 'The Secrets"?

You can not (think) & ask of what doesnt exist (somewhere).

Nukparni Nunangany Takurru Mililyi-nta.

It's ALL in your MIND.

[edit on 16-2-2006 by Wanya]

posted on Feb, 16 2006 @ 06:30 PM

Originally posted by Wanya
This has made funny reading, thank you Gammin_myall for your accuracy & Bastet for your insight.

I apologise for any typo's as I am going through this quickly.

Also, I apologise for the last listing which is to be ignored as this is a more extensive explaination. (This is the first time I have done this).

I am Aboriginal & come from a Tribe who practise Aboriginal Lore/Law inc: Promised Marriages, Tribal Punishment (Spearing etc), Secret Mens Business, Secret Womens Business, Kuruwarri (Songs/Prayers 4 country), Witchcraft (Singing Death, Bone Pointing etc) & other things refered to... I am also well educated & spoken in the "White Mans Way" so to speak. We come from the Desert in WA/NT boarder & belong to 3 tribes by bloodline, I speak my languages fluently & understand about 5. We also have virtually NO problems with Alcohol & Drugs, Violence etc in our community as there are no LAW's practicable in force or enforced except those from our elders who follow the older ways properly.

We also belong to Dreamings from Man's side: for The Rainbow Serpent & Woman's side: The Featherfoot.

Let me clarify a few things:
In my tribe & many tribes...
The 'Featherfoot' (Blood Avenger, Kidatja Man) is the same thing except the FF/Blood Avenger is Spiritual with the ability to materialise. The Kidatja man is a mortal person with the ability to transform using FF magic.
Womens Lore is usually the more feared / powerful / less understood.
The Technology on 'How' to use the Supernatural Abilities speculated on in this thread is secret & only for the initiated.

I have NOT used many Aboriginal terms in this explaination as each Tribe has it's own language & therefore it is different in each tribe, so also are some beliefs. The speaking of sacred words (breathing OUT) evokes the spirits, therefore words associated with these kind of things are not usually spoken esp around those who can't be trusted with this power. The whispering of sacred words (BY BREATHING IN WHILE SPEAKING) is ALLOWED & shows respect for & Doesn't Evoke such spirits, however I would still be wary of writing these NAMES here as people don't usually pronounce them properly, nor know the deeper meanings. Also some terms are used with SEX AVOIDANCE ie: Mens words are NOT said in earshot of women/children & vice versa. Singing is the greatest way to EVOKE. The Creator made all that is, by SINGING all into Existance (Vibrational Science?).

I am telling you about ALL that can be disemminated.

This will probably be a little eye opener to most of you non-aborigines but I must say that none of this here is particularly secret as it is ALL common knowledge (even for older children) in our groups. But as stated earlier by someone else "most ab people are not 'braggers'" & therefore this kind of converstaion is not typical (thou not forbidden) in our culture. It is forbidden however to discribe details on use of technology (which I will NOT go into). Since it is common for non-ab people to freely share knowledge I will do this with you for your benefit as I see your questions deserve responce. I hope you appreciate.

The 'Featherfoot' is a Spiritual Being (in the form of a man) normally but can take the form of anything in order to carry out his duties. Some are good, most are bad. They reek of dead bodies, travel like wind, can move through time & space (non-linear), leave no track or trace & inescapably track down breakers of the Law & punish usually with death (somewhat like the Grim Reaper).

There are many levels of Aboriginal Law for initiated men. Most people here have refered to only the first stage/s.
Most of all of the people in our tribe have all completed stage 2. The stages are in order with more trials/pain/secrecy/power. The 3rd stage is when a mortal can 'change' & momentarily become a 'Featherfoot' (FF). It is at this mastered stage when he can use the power of the FF to uphold the Law.
Everyone in my direct line eventually completes stage 3 & up as we belong (BY Decent/Bloodline/Dreaming) to the Featherfoot. All of our secret Men's names are FF names that belong to the FF & we are named after particular FF's. They ALL have personalities & stories assoc. FF black magic cannot be effectively used on us in Malice as we belong to & are protected by the FF. Esp our women/sisters etc. For instance if an enemy from another tribe changes using FF magic & travels through t&s ('flick/s'-in an instant) into our area to commit malice, women in our family know the FF song to sing which will cause the magic (& paint, emu feathers etc) used to fall off this man until he is a mere mortal standing naked & trapped in your land. Ready for a spearing.

Knowing what I know, suprisingly there was NOTHING that you mentioned that is NOT POSSIBLE for these 3rd + Level's to do (in essence). That includes, astral travel, forseeing future, time/space travel, killing by mind voodoo etc..

People above the 3rd level (like 4&5th + etc) are usually known as 'Maparn' or witch doctors. They can of course do that & more. I say 'in essence' because each person you could say has areas of expertise. Just like surgeons/doctors they are all trained in all the black arts but some are better in certain areas or prefer working in certain areas. Some are known as great healers some as great justice bringers or murderers (which way do you look at it), ALL are respected.

Being a Maparn is different from being the main leader/politician in your tribe, although they can be the same but often are NOT as most Maparn men prefer to stay out of day-to-day political business.

Ulitimately being a Maparn doesn't mean you can be bad & get away with it. Remember that you are using the FF's power to exact justice. Used inappropriately it will eventually backfire with dire consequences. There are many Maparn men from all families. The Good FF is like an Arch Angel who works for the Main Creator Spirirt (God) carrying out duties on earth (by the Holy Spirit), they are usually more powerul but less seen. The typically Bad FF is just like a demon/devil who works for a more evil spirit (Devil) or is even trapped into contracts with humans (genie) or just works for his selfish own. The Aboriginal Law is omnipresent just like the Holy Spirit.

Also Spirit World/(Real) World are two sides of the same coin & cross over everywhere ALL the time! You can never escape the eyes of the spirit world (As the eyes of God or the Spirit Spear of the FF) & everything that you do moves or disturbs the fabric that holds everything together. Nothing can go un-traceable in the Aboriginal Law, It just depends on how 'Tricky' you are to be a Detective. Often while watching movies Detectives/Assassins are described as FF by Aboriginal people.

There are also:
Little Hairy men with stone chests/bodies who live in rock & underground & have the ability to turn you into stone. (these are biological living creatures - not just spirits)
Big hairy men (Bigfoot).
Spirit Women (Banshees) look young/beautiful but trap you & eat you.
Formless Spirit who comes paralizes you & eats your soul.
Ancestor Spirits.
Bush people still walking around making campfires etc.
& many others NOT to be confused with FF (featherpeople).

I hope this is useful to you.

I can not really go into much more esp on HOW to do this.

We have been doing this since it was handed to us after the Dreamtime. Not since Maralinga (Atomic Tests) or whatever?!

Eg. One white man who was friendly with aboriginals once asked me:
Oldest culture in the world, most desolate environment... Once walking in the desert for far too long to a waterhole with no safe return/backtrack to the next nearest water source; how would you know (or how could you 'see') that the water hole you are travelling to has any water in it before you get there? With NO way back you would have to be sure.

Is it possible for Aboriginals to Travel through Space & Time?

I answered: Well we are here today.

For far too long we have been labelled 'stupid'.

Why are Non Ab people devoting so much time/money/science to discover the secrets that they supposedly don't even believe in?

They must be missing out on something...

If you had a secret this great would your govenment/s share it?

There is much evidence in Australia of Non-Ab Military personelle requesting to & going THROUGH Mens Lore/Law. But as stated earlier, to Maparn - these peoples intentions are clear, are always controlled & are never fully trusted. Also this dicipline takes a lifetime to master & though all the power of the military the punishments/repercussions for breaking Ab Law/Lore are much more dire.

Some people wonder why Ab people don't declare war on the rest of Australia: The reasons are AGAINST OUR LAW.

We ALREADY KNOW that we belong to our land. We don't need to go through non-ab Court to realise this. Belonging is NOT in Question. You don't acknowledge what you don't believe is there. We acknowledge white mans Law. When/ Who by: is Ab Law respected/acknowledged? We will get our Land back when other admit their wrongs & hand it back. This is the ONLY way, to snatch back will only make you hate us more & we will never really have it back nor will we have forgiveness; we would only create more hatred. Ab people will forgive & then we can move on. In our Law you can only be forgiven once you face up, then you are free forever. Forever forgiven. We also take responsibilities for our ancestors & families actions.

Also: We don't own the land, The Land OWNS us. There are NO Rules in our culture that say we musn't share the land & waters & animals. There are LAWS against NOT sharing however. What are non-ab people afraid of? That we will take from them as they have taken from us? There is NO word for 'Gift' in our culture. To receive means you must give, it's called 'Yiji'. Respect, Love, Trust, Yiji are ALL given, NOT Earned. You pay for your wrongs.

We want you to come to our table.

We have always been going to yours (out of respect - for other's cultures). We try to follow your Laws, Culture (manners) & we speak English. How many people can say the same in reverse?

We have always been used to other Tribes with different laws (in marriage etc) & different languages etc which we can-not understand & always given them respect by NOT interfering with their government.

We can not admin/punish others (inc other races/non ab's) by our laws/culture so why does the Gov continually admin/punish us by theirs?

If you want to act ignorant we will let you. This is how we deal with spoilt children also. In English it is called 'contempt'.

This is what our old people believe.

Do NOT confuse kindness with weakness.

What will you do?


By the way you don't need a time 'machine'.

We never had any modern machines.

We never had a USE to invent the 'Wheel' as we don't carry around with us heavy things, nor did we ever need to.

We did however invent the 'Wing' a long time ago.

We have more technologies that you do not know about yet.

Westerners are advanced in many ways, Aboriginies are advanced in OTHER ways.

We also have little if none of the social problems western society has today (when Ab Law/Lore is&/was practised correctly) - Disrespect for others/cultures, disrespect for parents, disrespect for elders, stealing, rape, child abuse, pollution, greed, worship of capitalist money & beauty, abuse of women, animals & land. The list goes on & on... Some people will say that these things exist in Aboriginal Communities & that is true because it is an introduced way of thought that was under-the-cover ALLOWED by Non-Ab in the past when the Elders Powers & Authority was STRIPPED of them. Would you behave Lawfully if all the Police, Military etc were STRIPPED of their Authority today. We were never really properly showed how to use your things either, just given them. The damage that was never 'Warned' to us is now our responsibility to fix up - all by ourselves.

I apologise for expressing political or otherwise views on this forum but chose to as your questions deserved understanding.

I thank most of you for being open & asking polite questions.

This is the way you will learn from us.

Be humble: Ask & you shall receive.

Want to find 'The Answers' 'The Secrets"?

You can not (think) & ask of what doesnt exist (somewhere).

Nukparni Nunangany Takurru Mililyi-nta.

It's ALL in your MIND.

[edit on 16-2-2006 by Wanya]

[edit on 16-2-2006 by Wanya]

[edit on 16-2-2006 by Wanya]

posted on Sep, 25 2006 @ 02:30 AM


I used to work with the Stolen Generations and was fortunate enough to spend som time in Alic in May 2005. I got to know one of the initiated elders and when he came to Melbourne later that year for a visit he told me some stories which, frankly, made me hair stand on end!

I'd love to learn more - in fact, my dad tried to get an initiated Elder from central Australia to teach him the secret of the smell (that's how he described it) which is used to attract women. I don't know if they were being serious or not but the elder refused.

Anyway, I know what is and isn't for me to learn and you're right not to share it.

I just remembered one story - my grandfather's cousin told us a couple of years ago about an elder from near Menindee who could change into the shape of a crow. Well, at leat that what Uncle Colin thought. they were working with some animals and a large crow was watchng them nearby. After a while it flew off. Later , the elder told them what Unce Colin had been up to and when asked he admitted he had been watching them. The thing about was the crow! He also stepped out of a whirlwind once and appeared to some people.

That's what I've been told!

posted on Mar, 8 2014 @ 01:55 AM
reply to post by joan12

sounds to me like the kadichi man or feather foot myth?
my suggestion is you continue to do further research in this topic!

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