posted on Jul, 24 2011 @ 09:35 AM
I’m not sure where to put this, I guess it touches on relationships the most.
I was stimulated to ponder this by another discussion. I am an american living in Europe for the last 20 years. I had to learn another language and
culture here, and that tends to make you analyze your self and your own background in ways you probably wouldn’t otherwise. Contrasts make things
evident- every time you have to ask, « why do they react THAT way to this ? » You end up asking at the same time « Why do I NOT act like that ? Why
do I react like this instead? »
You end up analyzing your deepest conditionings and values. Especially when you have children, and each decision on how to respond to and with them,
you have to ask yourself- what do I want them to learn ? What I learned ? What their father learned ? From which of our two different cultures shall
they receive their values and ideals ?
So you end up comparing, weighing, discerning your personal goals and intents in relation to everything.
So I have some complaints now with my own upbringing. One is the role of the woman in the American culture. And I do not think the feminist movement
of the 60’s and 70’s did more good than it did harm to that.
The whole de-valuation upon being social (THAT is overwhelmingly evident at this time, with « socialist » being the current pop insult, applicable
to anything or anyone regardless of any connection to real socialism) has screwed people up. They may be great at being independant loners , but
really suck at being socially well adjusted, and most are on drug treatments because they cannot deal with the world.
The early « maternal » education of children, which is not the education which communicates through and stimulates the intellect, but instead
non-verbal sensual data which conditions social behavior and subconscious behaviors has been de-valued to a point of being considered bad- some
calling it « brainwashing » children
This deprived women of one important responsibility in their society, and the recognition of a vital influence in it !
Being maternal has been demonized as making people dependant weaklings, being a martyr, being a slave. The very concept of maternalization has lost
any association of strength or discipline- a mothering person does everything for you. So no one wants to be a mothering person, nor do they want to
be around a mothering person.
In taking away the power from the concept of maternalization, you take away the otherside of power- responsibility ! Then we wonder why girls so
easily decide to have kids at an early age without being conscious of the responsibility it brings ?? Heck, from what they are being taught, a mothers
biggest job is to stay detached from her children and make sure they never become too bonded or needy, in order to be independant adults someday.
So power became only something that exists outside the home and family, in the career and ability to make money. Leave your kids with a babysitter,
hire someone to clean the house, eat out- those things aren’t important anyway and are for the powerless and inferior to do. Those are inferior
So young girls are faced with two options- find your power in career, or in your sexuality ! You are more right brained and aren’t doing good in
school ? Well, you know what’s left- your body. Because the female body is sex. Breasts are sexual organs, that is where they can be considered
valuable (as ways of feeding young, they are rather embarrassing and even disgusting for some). Be sexy, you might have something to offer and barter
with in trade and relational exchange. If you haven’t a big pay check, then have big boobs and a nice butt, and look fecund..... hell, prove you
are !
I think this is screwed up. I know my perception has been influenced by my own experiences, and my radical feminist mother who repeated to me all the
time as a child « Whatever you do, do NOT be a housewife !! It is slavery ! » While she moved out and left her kids to raise themselves alone while
she lived with her boyfriend and spent nine years trying to convince him to let us into his life and home. Her justification was that in doing so, she
was teaching her kids to be independant.
That she did. But she ignored or didn’t know they also needed to learn to be effective social beings as well.
So now what do we have ? A country all segmented and separated, no cultural adherence or solidarity, people who either are afraid of facing any
conflict in their lives, or do the opposite, let all aggressivity be uncontrolled hostility and violence, people who have not any skills at managing
emotional energy, and as a result have to take mood regulators, and are for the most part overweight, or half silicone. We have sixteen year old
mothers, and women who become celebrities based not on any talent or skill, but only the fact they have sexy bodies and know how to act seductive.
These are criticisms of myself, the thought patterns I found growing like weeds in my subconscious, their roots buried deep in the experiences and
messages I picked up from my environment early on. The early education, the part where we do physical interaction with children, and set examples with
our movements is vital to what the society will become in the near future. The subconscious is NOT less important than the conscious mind, and to
underestimate it is a mistake. The anima and the animus should not be disregarded as inconsequential because non-material.
I think womens roles in family and social life, as managers of internal affairs, skilled at manipulation and management of emotion and emotional
exchange (if taught to use their natural gifts) can be the key to a strong culture and community. It’s too bad we through that idea out the window
at some point, prefering instead the more obvious forms of power and responsibility that males are made to excell at.