A dream of Eagles is a series of novels written by the Canadian author Jack Whyte.
There are nine novels in this epic rendition of the Arthurian legend, beginning with the Sky Stone and ending with The Eagle. As the title of my
thread would suggest this tale brings the reader on a journey of one hundred and fifty years, to the barren deserts of North Africa where the reader
first meets the main protagonist Publius Varrus. The first edition of the Sky Stone was released in 1992, The Eagle was released in 2002(yes writers
do quite often take their time) nevertheless Jack Whyte has put many years of research and his life into this century spanning work of historical
Here’s a list of all nine novels.
>The Sky Stone (1992)
>The Singing Sword (1993)
>The Eagle’s Brood (1994)
>The Saxon Shore (1995)
> The Fort at River’s Bend (The Sorcerer, volume one 1999)
> Metamorphosis (The Sorcerer, volume two 1999)
> Uther (2001)
> Clothar the Frank (2004)
>The Eagle (2005)
Could you imagine trying to spin a tale of 150 years? Having to invent hundreds of characters, add to that their brothers, sisters, friends, foes,
children and many grand children. Quite the task, no?
Of course the tale is played out across the grand theatre of the Roman Empire, from about the year 300ad to 450ad. From the barren deserts of North
Africa, across the Mediterranean, to the great capital city Rome, into the conquered lands of the Gauls and finally Roman held Britannia. Southern
Britannia remained in roman hands for so long that it became a peaceful part of the Roman Empire for hundreds of years. This period in time was known
as the Pax Romana.
When the Roman Empire began to crumble one of the first things the Romans did was call back most if not all of their legions to central Italy and the
areas surrounding the capital.As you can imagine many soldiers never made it back. Many legionnaires died while fighting their own little wars trying
to get back to Rome, others chose to remain behind simply due to logistics(soldiers could be stationed thousands of miles from Rome). Publius Varrus
is stationed with his legion in Britannia when the collapse of the Empire becomes horrifyingly apparent to him while those around him seem to think
that the problems facing the Empire are just a small hiccup in it’s thousand year history. He chose to remain behind.
And so the story truly begins....
At this point for respect to the author I shall say no more except for the fact that Varrus and his best friend whom Varrus saved from a Berber
raiding party many years ago in the far lands of North Africa. Stay behind with a handful of likeminded men and build upon their knowledge of
soldiering, engineering and societal planning in the hope of creating unknown to them what would eventually come to be known as Camulud(Camelot) and
the legend of king Arthur.
I hope ATS enjoys my synopsis of this truly epic one hundred and fifty year adventure.
Spike Spiegle
edit on 073131p://pm3143 by Spike Spiegle because: volume 2