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2 14 years olds act like 2 14 years olds, get put on sex offender list for life

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posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:54 AM
The sex offender list... that was supposed to be for the worst of the worst... now almost everyone getting caught doing something ``acceptable or no big deal`` end up on it.

2 N.J. teens labeled sex offenders for life after 'horseplay' incident

Call it bullying or call it horseplay. Either way, a state appellate court panel says roughhousing with a sexual connotation by a pair of 14-year-old Somerset County boys was a crime that requires them to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives.

What they did :

One of the boys, whose case went to trial, said he had sat on the faces of a pair of 12-year-old schoolmates with his bare buttocks in November 2008 "cause I thought it was funny and I was trying to get my friends to laugh," he told a family court judge.

Ok it's bad, but the kids are 14. That's what they do. They should be facing some consequences, but not lifelong, life altering consequences.

But how can you explain that a 14 year-old can't legally consent to sex, but they can be labeled as sex offenders for life? Police state, insane parents and insane lawmakers passing this kind of laws without thinking is what end up destroying the lives of thousands of people... The ``think of the children`` crowd, destroying America one law at a time.

Putting 14 years old for this kind of stuff on the sex offender list, or some guy peeing on the side of the road makes the sex offender list moot... which it shouldn't be.

Not to mention, being on the sex offender list basically destroys your life.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:00 PM
Thats America,what do you expect?
Every Citizien is probably on some sort of List
I think there should be a Thread where we can list every List there is

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:08 PM

Originally posted by Shenon
Thats America,what do you expect?
Every Citizien is probably on some sort of List
I think there should be a Thread where we can list every List there is

Yea what he said. But not just America the whole worlds lost its common sense some how.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Not surprised. In this day of expelling kids from school for drawing pictures of stick figures with guns or giving a friend an asprin when they have a headache, over reaction should be expected.

The kid should have been suspended for a few days and hopefully had his ass kicked by the other kids or their big brothers, end of story.

This is a trend that will continue and no different than the 17 year old kid who has been having sex with his 15 year old girlfriend and then on his 18th birthday gets charged with rape.

When the goverment considers citizens to be their charges this what happens, all in the matter of "safety".

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:21 PM
Absolute Absurdity

Don't interpret and apply the law on a per case basis.

Just go with and by the letter, and Justass will have been served.



posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:25 PM
I once fell for the old "isotonic sit-up" routine back in high school, where they held my head down with a towel over my eyes, I tried to sit up, and then they let go of the towel.... then slams into a guys bare butt sitting over top of me. Yes, it was gross, and I was mad...but no freakin way should that EVER result in someone being labeled a sex offender. This country is downright ridiculous these days, and it's more than obvious that they are just trying to put as many kids as they can on some type of list so they can be easily controlled later on by the government. The sad part, is that the majority of Americans will probably agree with this outcome. What an amazing country we are leaving for our kids.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Agreed. These are just kids and kids do all sorts of weird things.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 02:10 PM
I agree this is pretty stupid but there is one issue that needs to be brought up.

If not at 14, what age is it permissible to call situations of horse play like this sexual situations?

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by Vitchilo
The sex offender list... that was supposed to be for the worst of the worst... now almost everyone getting caught doing something ``acceptable or no big deal`` end up on it.

2 N.J. teens labeled sex offenders for life after 'horseplay' incident

Call it bullying or call it horseplay. Either way, a state appellate court panel says roughhousing with a sexual connotation by a pair of 14-year-old Somerset County boys was a crime that requires them to register as sex offenders for the rest of their lives.

What they did :

One of the boys, whose case went to trial, said he had sat on the faces of a pair of 12-year-old schoolmates with his bare buttocks in November 2008 "cause I thought it was funny and I was trying to get my friends to laugh," he told a family court judge.

Ok it's bad, but the kids are 14. That's what they do. They should be facing some consequences, but not lifelong, life altering consequences.

But how can you explain that a 14 year-old can't legally consent to sex, but they can be labeled as sex offenders for life? Police state, insane parents and insane lawmakers passing this kind of laws without thinking is what end up destroying the lives of thousands of people... The ``think of the children`` crowd, destroying America one law at a time.

Putting 14 years old for this kind of stuff on the sex offender list, or some guy peeing on the side of the road makes the sex offender list moot... which it shouldn't be.

Not to mention, being on the sex offender list basically destroys your life.

The sex offender list is nothing more then an attempt by the American Matriarchy to enforce upon males both the feminine and masculine roles/standards of the 19th century.

That is why males only end up on it and police, judges and prosecutors bend over backwards to protect females from ending up on the list.

Look at how the three teenage girls that violently stripped an 11 year old boy naked, video recorded it and posted it online won't even spend a day in jail, let alone end up on a sex offender list.

In order to understand feminism and traditionalism you have to look up how utterly insane/creepy white knights/mangina's and female supremacist's are when it comes to male sexuality.

If you doubt me then why is it women can protest/ conduct day to day business half naked or naked and get away with it. While on the other hand if a males boxers/briefs are slightly showing it is enough to get ticketed or thrown off of public transportation?

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 01:44 AM
Sex offender list for an atomic situp?!

What is this world coming to.. I hope they realize how stupid this is and dont actually ruin his life over this.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 02:13 AM
well this is new.

ya, really shouldn't do that to others unless it's consensual.

they will be a nice piece of work when they grow up.

really macho hetero to sit on another guys face, right guys? some homo erotica going on?

you showed them fags, huh?

lifetime list?


then go out and kill some kids when you get older because you got busted and wasn't given a trophy for doing this for being 14!!

talk about the closet.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 02:20 AM

edit on 25-7-2011 by fooks because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by fooks

ya'll know where the slang of tea bagger is from, right?

that's a lefty slur but this is one step closer to a lib for life.

seems like you lefty lib/progs love this stuff, nice.


posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 08:37 AM
when i was in elementary school, we had a kid get expelled because someone kept picking on him and he said, "If you don't stop i'm going to punch you" Evidently its against the rules to threaten someone aswell.

On the sex offenders, i really hate that # so much. Not only dumb cases like this but the more common case. 18/19 year old meets girl. Finds girl is 15/16, they have a lot in common and like each other. Decide to hang out, possibly mess around. Parents find out. Parents take kid to court and poor guy gets charged and his whole life ruined because some over protective asswhipe parents.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 08:44 AM
I'm not quite sure how that offense qualifies as sexual... Impolite, juvenile, gross perhaps.

posted on Jul, 27 2011 @ 09:31 AM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Reminds me of how companies are starting to screen applicants by performing in-depth queries on their internet history. Applicants have already been turned down for such horrific things as sexually explicit images and discussions about coc aine and other illegal drugs. God forbid that people are imperfect. Everyone has to be perfect now and if you don't meet the expectations when put under the microscope then your life is as good as over. Welcome to the new world.

My theory is that the people in power and the people in government are the types that're 'perfect'. That's why we're in such a mess because they're so far from human it's laughable.

When did we become so uptight and intolerant of deviation? Humans ARE deviation! When did humans suddenly become perfect? Did this happen when bill gates made his first billion? Maybe there IS such a thing as too much information. We can't handle true freedom because deep down we're in denial about our true selves. We're living in a fantasy world of our own making.

God help us. You ain't seen nothing yet if this is all true.
edit on 27-7-2011 by jonnywhite because: (no reason given)

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