posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 02:08 AM
Who what when where why, you say? Please bear with me for a moment.
This is a tricky one for me to get just right in words, ATS. I usually feel like I'm trying to use a screwdriver for open-heart surgery when I talk
about subtle philosophical matters, because I think words are untrustworthy for this purpose. But we must work with what we have.
"Wny this and not that?" It seems an urgent question, but for all its urgency, I can't even manage to formulate it properly. I usually think of it
to myself as being exemplified by the question: "Why do I have five fingers instead of six?" I mean, I'm sure you can find all sorts of plausible
"reasons" from an anatomical or scientific perspective, but really what I am asking is, "why this particular thing and not another?" Why am I here
in this chair, as opposed to being over there by the window?" None of this captures the true subtlty I am trying to get across, I fear, but it may
point in the right direction,
I guess this issue is a subset of "the only question there is," another pet name I have for that ancient stumper: "Why is there something instead
of nothing?" (Some people nickname their cars, guns, or something else special to them...I give nicknames to ontological cunnundra. Go figure.). That
issue needs to be examined seperately within its own special (in fact, unique) epsitomological framework. But tackling the "five fingers instead of
six" question seems a slightly less daunting and more intuitive way of approaching this matter.
I can conceive (at least intellectually) of an undifferentiated whole, a cosmos that is totally unitary and seamless as one. In fact, this vision of
the cosmos "feels" very right to me on an intuitive level, and I know it does to others. Which is funny, because every moment of our lives is spent
in a universe of particulars and specifics. So why does unity feel so right?
When we observe this universe of specifics, two questions emerge:
1) Why are we living in a universe of specific, seperate things instead of some kind of nirvanic woumb-state of total unity?: This is close to
the "something rather than nothing" problem.
2) Why this specific and not that?: That is, if we agree provisionally to put aside problem #1 above, we are still left with the question of
"How are the specifics apportioned throughout the universe?"
They are not exactly the same question (although intertwined), and this thread is intended to focus on #2 rather than #1. Kick it up on the roof and
see what comes down.
Another way to consider this matter:
Why is the feeling of "me" tied to my body and not another person's? I mean, I feel like "me," and its always associated with this body, and my
brother Sam feels the same thing, specifically tied to his body. Leaving aside for a moment the bigger question of why we have seperated bodies and
minds to begin with, can't we "move among" these separate particulars? What keeps "me" tied to this particular strange thing I call my "body" ?
Why is "my" experience of this amazing universe of particulars so limited? Is it possible to have a universe of particulars that we can experience
at will, shifting from the subjectivity of one being to that of another, or of a cloud, or a boulder?
I have some ideas on how to answer and deal with this myself, but I'll shut up for now and see if this thread takes off first, or if any of you even
know what I'm babbling about,,,