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Norway horror: 80 die in youth camp shooting, 7 in blast

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posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:51 AM
reply to post by confreak

Originally posted by confreak
reply to post by lost artistic

Although I sympathize for the losses of innocent lives, that will never make me forget Norway's involvement in the unjustified attack and killing of innocent in Libya. Most have already forgotten, what goes around comes around.

I said multiple times in ATS, if those involved in the unjustified attack against Libya think they will not be targeted, they are fools, do you think if Russia was attacking England, England won't attack Russia?

Whether Libya is involved or not is unclear at this moment of time, but if Libya is involved, this is called justice in the eyes of those that have been killed under NATO bombs, and the destruction of Libyan infrastructure and complete destabilization and stalemate held in place by NATO.

Let me repeat, what goes around, comes around.

Hello Even Steven....

I'm not sure how your post went unnoticed....Maybe it was ignored by those wishing to avoid conflict....I'm not one of those...I'll bite...

Your 'sympathy for innocent lives' has been noted, and disregarded...

Your condoning of such attacks under the 'what goes around' banner likens you to this man more than you know...

And if it is true what you say, "What goes around comes around", you can look forward to your second helping, and let it be a hearty one...

After all...What goes around, comes BACK around...over and over again...

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by madjetxe

Your post is such a big fail; I've lost track now how many posters have accused Israel of being behind the Norwegian twin attacks. (rolls my eyes).

posted on Jul, 26 2011 @ 08:30 AM

Originally posted by bluemirage5
Your post is such a big fail; I've lost track now

personally I've lost track of zionist shills. So many ....

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