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Seiva7: Oslo Norway Terrorist Attacks Just a Beginning of a White Muslim Extremist Uprising in Europ

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posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:24 PM

Seiva7: Oslo Norway Terrorist Attacks Just a Beginning of a White Muslim Extremist Uprising in Europe, Run for Your Lives!

And this time it is not only Muslims, immigrants or foreigners who will be blamed for the attacks, it is blonde white Europeans who will need to give more of their freedoms to the government in fear of “right wing extremism” in Europe.

(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 22-7-2011 by seiva7 because: tori spelling

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:24 PM
The terrorists hit again!

This time they decided to bomb Oslo Norway and to cause more fear for the sheep.

Do you see what they're doing?

They are trying to make all the citizens possible terrorists.

This is already going and will be implemented with a sheep citizen's cooperation...

I wonder how will Europeans react to this "terror" propaganda.

Brought to you by your local government.

Criminal enterprise, secret service.
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 22-7-2011 by seiva7 because: tori spelling

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:39 PM
Odd. I saw a thread the other day saying that white people are going to be made to look like terrorists.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:43 PM

Originally posted by TheodoreBundy
Odd. I saw a thread the other day saying that white people are going to be made to look like terrorists.

there you go!

it is happening and once when you can see what they're doing it all seems so simple.


posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 07:56 PM
White people come in all religions shapes sizes. Arabs come in all religions as well. Terrorists come in all religions and races as well. Murders come in all different varieties as well as being famous. You know how many people Obama/Bush has ordered killed with his strikes in Libya? There is a terrorist in the White house today, and he is black.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 08:34 PM
reply to post by seiva7

They are right most terrorists are white. Its called the banksters and their army of cohorts. They are running and ruining the entire planet. They are pushing so fast and so hard to get their agenda in place they should just put up neon signs saying look at us and what we are doing. Anyone who hides from the truth when it has become so brazen is either a coward or a total idiot incaple of understanding the truth. Usually the US is catching the blame While EU bankers and their blue blood psychopaths are making the plans in the back rooms. Their thirst for power and bood of mankind is showing them for what and who they are.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 08:43 PM
The flood waters subsided.

The barbarians came down from the mountains.

They hit the peaceful on the heads with clubs.

They stole their land and enslaved them.

Some things never change.

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:11 AM


posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 12:17 AM
Yes, they will divide and conquer....The many facets and splinter groups which the intelligence services support with your tax dollars in order to get information on other this way they have a ready made voilence prone bunch of thugs whom they can sic on any particular victim they it a person a minority, or acountry.
far too much of this crap ois driven through taxpayer funds and if we refused to play thet game the violence would diminish rapidly IMHO......

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 07:27 AM


posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 09:36 AM

Originally posted by
reply to post by seiva7

post removed by staff

I do understand that you didn't read the article and didn't understand my point.
edit on Sun Jul 24 2011 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:36 AM
While I find nothing from this incident that even resembles the beginning of a white Muslim extremist uprising in Europe, I do find many areas that raise red flags and tells me that this incident is far from anything we are being told about by the media sources.

First off, isn't it mysteriously convenient that our DHS was just releasing information that the terrorist threat is now from white, blue eyed, blonde individuals? Does this not register with others that the timing of such a DHS statement appears to be made in "anticipation" of the Norway shooting event and the white, blue eyed, blonde haired extremist that would eventually be accused of such a crime?

I cant be the only one that sees the DHS news release of white terrorist as coming at a very timely and contrived time, but OK, second on the list of red flags is the report that the shooter was seen and heard talking on some type of radio headpiece and if so, who was he talking to?

Third on my list of concerns is that photographs of the carnage on the island specifically with the bodies being show on the shore are all too close together to be shot by one shooter. While this observation may go unnoticed by others, this appears to me to show credible evidence that the shooter did not act alone while the media plays him out to be some lone shooter gone insane. No group of victims lying around dead could have been killed or shot in the manner recorded by camera by a single shooter. Multiple shooters would have had to be present.

While the media is eagerly playing up the Masonic affiliation, I have read where the photo of the shooter dressed in Masonic garb has been Photoshopped and his head placed into the photo. While this photo is supposedly taken from his own Facebook page, once again I and others feel that this conveniently also plays into the cover story being told much like with the Jared Lee Loughner's YouTube account where certain anomalies existed after the Congress woman Gifford shooting incident.

Add in the known fact that Norway was going to pull out military forces and support of the NATO Libya military engagement and also consider that Norway was in September going to support the Palestinian cause. It is these concerns that tell me that maybe other motives other than Muslim extremist are involved. Well, if this is so, who could that group be? I will take a guess.

Add in that Norway was holding back on paying millions of dollars in bailout checks to Greece and it should become clear that what we have is a conspiracy of Globalist Zionist, NWO Bankers, IMF, NATO sources taking action against Norway, so as to cause fear and to justify the UN solutions being pushed since the Norway explosion and the Norway shooting incident occurred.

The Norway bombing of government offices had a practice rehearsal of a bombing attack only days before the explosion, add in the reports of men dressed in black being in the area checking things out in the hours before the explosion and it should become abundantly clear to anyone who isn't a fluoride brain dead slug that this whole Norway bombing and shooting incident are events that were contrived, planned and executed by those that have nothing to do with Muslim extremist.

In closing I would add that I always suspect false flag whenever the supposed terrorist plan to attack government offices on a day when no one would be working. As for the Norway shooter, his actions are portrayed as being done alone, but other shooters would have had to be present for the victims bodies to be lying the way they were when photographed by helicopter which showed the blonde shooter in a police uniform, alone and holding a rifle while very near the bodies shown by the helicopter along the shore line.

Norway's reluctance to go along with the NWO has been determined to be factual, so with all that has happened in Norway in the past few days, I see these incidents as being used to justify UN solutions by those that conducted the terror attacks.

Only time will tell if Norway will capitulate to the evil NWO demands of those that will kill innocent victims just so they can get the government officials to comply with some secret agenda or secret IMF plan to control the nations actions on a international arena, to control the economy and banking interests of those who stand to benefit from Norway coming into compliance with their demands.

This same group also appears to be retaliating against Norway for going against the interests of Israel and with that evidence being present, it should be clear as a bell to everyone that this whole act of terrorism was most likely once again carried out by Zionist Mossad agents of Israel doing what they feel is in the long term interests of Israel and only Israel.

While many see that the Norway incidents have already conveniently begun taking away public attention from the Murdoch scandal and once again we see that a controlled media using its many controlled news outlets to paint a certain picture of Norway and the shooter while distracting from the many scandals and deaths surrounding Murdoch and his criminal actions of hacking phones and collecting dirt so as to benefit some political group or corporate interests along with governmental intelligence groups that could be implicated in the Murdoch scandal if Norway had not occurred when it did.

Norway and the attacks do not in my mind support the new DHS white terror threat, but since Norway, that is all that has been reported and in that effort we clearly see the need for disinformation and a need to control and manipulate the news reaching the world.

It is time to hold the guilty accountable and at present I see the hand of the NWO globalist doing their evil while explaining it away and blaming the terror on everyone except who should be held accountable.

Look to the Mossad and Israel to benefit from such terror attacks and with that being said, doesn't anyone think that the shooter could have been mind controlled into action and induced to commit murder by those that posses such secret technology?

Well, as I see it, it is a false flag clear and simple, but the guilty will as usual hide behind lies and deception, for that is their motto and they are proud of it, even if their actions are clearly barbaric and criminal in nature. Sooner or later, such criminal and inhumane actions will be dealt with and when that day comes, I for one will be in agreement.

Until then, I will know with great confidence that no lone Masonic gunman did the Norway bombing and shooting because of course it was a contrived false flag event contrived by those that seek to destroy America and our way of life while pretending to be on our side and pretending to be our trusted ally in foreign policy matters..

1. Link to video showing helicopter coverage of bodies near shore with shooter in scene holding rifle.

2. Link to Internet article about Norway's battle with the NWO over cancer cures.

3. Link to Norway bombing news article.

4. New York Time article about the Norway shooter.

5. Link to Internet article about Norway pulling out of Afghanistan as a possible motive for the bombing.

6. Link to Financial Post reporting on the suspension of payment of monies to Greece.

Think what you like, but to me this was a crime committed by those that continue to terrorize nation states and uses acts of terrorism to solicit compliance with their self serving interest. It is time for this madness to stop and for those so guilty to be held accountable.

posted on Jul, 25 2011 @ 11:01 AM
Good Try; But events are eclipsing your argument. This bozo, was trying to create a diversion, so he could bluff his way into the summer camp on the island. Why would one generate massive innocent casualties in downtown Oslo, for this purpose. He knew some top Socialists were speaking on the Island, and he just missed connecting with his primary target, there. As for all the little socialist indoctrinees, well, we had something like that happen in the Nez Perce Indian War of 1877-78. Chief Joseph had made it into Yellowstone Nat'l Park, (the 'island) and a couple of warriors stalked a cabin filled with tourists. One man came out of the cabin and the warrior shot him dead. Then a young boy came out of the cabin door with a lantern, so the warrior shot him in the stomach, (dum-dum). The Indian youth accompanying the warrior asked 'why shoot a kid'? The older warrior, merely noted that the kid would have grown up to be a problem for the Indians. This bird knew exactly what he was doing to the Norwegian socialist youth movement, just like that old Nez Perce warrior did, back in Yellowstone National Park. One man is impossible to stop, but he could have muddied the waters a bunch if he had had a couple of acolytes, who though unarmed, could have facilitated his escape from the Island. With a proper boat, they could have even sunk the incoming overloaded SWAT team boat, by ramming it. And then from a boat, they could have chased off those other tourists coming from across the fiord. My point is that this could have been a whole lot worse. It probably shows the limits of what one determined man can do, today. My guess is that he will put the Gov't on trial, just like John Brown did, before our First Civil War. So, if you think this is over, guess again. The younger, avenging, John Brown scared the daylights out of the nascent Confederates. Just compare the photo of him at the time of the Pottawatomie Creek shoot em up, with a photo of Randy Weaver, about the time of Ruby Ridge. The Gov't agents will be looking under their beds for homologues of this John B. Viking for the next hundred years. If there really are 80 more of them, then it will indeed be a new John Brown class escapade. And sooner or later, we will see a Sampson like ending, where instead of just surrendering, the J.B. Viking takes out a whole slew of lawmen in one last mighty act of defiance, just like Sampson did, in the Bible.. As for the Nez Perce War, just locate a photo of the famous Charles Russell Painting titled, "Delivering the Mail". I think this explains the Yellowstone Park adventure best, and it's painted from a Western Cowboy Artist's perspective. A real Knight would have bullet proof armor, and a squire, or two, to hold the horses at the ready, for the "getaway". If the impending highly publicized court case, like the Casey Anthony trial, brings out some wannabe acolytes, then the next 75 or so, adjunct solo terror plots, IMHO, will become quite serious threats. Note that John Brown, like the Nez Perce Warriors, never worked completely alone. They inspired other people around them, who then followed their leads. The Nez Perces really terrorized the U.S. Army Scouts. Those scouts just couldn't seem to make it back to deliver their reports. They all seemed to disappear into thin air. And Gen. O.O. Howard was always a day or so in the rear. So the Indians never left any dead scouts hanging in tree branches as warnings. They always made them disappear completely. Or else, those scouts, upon hearing a few war whoops, just took off over the hills. And now the action seems to be shifting from Norway into the greater London area. My guess is that terrorists in Police Uniforms will start massacring Islamists, just like the Viking did to the kids on the Island. Then PDQ, the British Muslims will start going after the Police and Politicians there. John Brown stirred up a hornet's nest, and probably did more to start the First American Civil War, than anybody else. Rob't E. Lee, should have killed the lot of them, at Harper's Ferry Arsenal, and denied Brown his courthouse Bully Pulpit. Without Brown's crystallizing public anti-slavery opinions in the North, Lee would have had more maneuvering room later in 1861-2. So, Lee may have actually lost a war he should have won, by not completely eliminating the threat to the South, at Harper's Ferry Arsenal. So as Winston Churchill opined; "Its not the beginning of the end, but it is the end of the beginning". In this light, then, Breivek or Berwick esq., really is more of a threat now, then when he was setting the bomb off in Oslo, or shooting up the summer camp on Oteyo Island. And just think for a moment, would Randy Weaver have been singled out, with Potsy's "shoot on sight" orders, if there were never were any Courthouse theatrics by John Brown in Virginia? And then, again, what if John Brown had had enough Nitro-cotton with him, to blow himself, the building, and Lee, all to 'kingdom come'? Brown had no idea of just how dangerous Rob't E. Lee, was going to be for the anti-slavery North. But John Brown never claimed to have a crystal ball, either. I don't claim to have a crystal ball, but I'd look closely at those "German Tourists" who bravely went out close to the Island of Otoyeo, and rescued so many kids, from hypothermia and drowning. Like Brown vs. Lee, some of these "heroes" could still get close to Breitvik's primary targets. What if they knew this Knight, Berwick esq. wouldn't be shooting at them? After all, he was seen talking into a head piece, while he was alone on the rocky Island. Low powered H.F. radio waves from a wireless mic., propagate pretty good across open waters, IMO. The last time I looked, some of these are rated as having a two mile, (3K), range, for 'line of sight', transmissions.

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