posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 06:00 PM
Hey thanks for the reply,
I have not had as many lucid experiences as you, but It's getting up there. I never really seem to do anything too fun/crazy once I realize I'm
dreaming, while I do realize I'm dreaming, I don't "fully realize" it and start acting out whatever I want.
However, I do seem to have "bad" dreams more often than not, and when I realize I'm dreaming, all the fear I was previously feeling in the dream
fades away, and I just kind of observe everything that's going on. I've only had a few flying dreams, and they weren't really flying, just like
hovering a few inches off the ground and moving around without any effort. Awesome experience, and once I wake up I try very hard to get back to sleep
with flying/hovering on my mind.
Funny thing too, the more I lucid dream, the more I find myself having dreams within dreams. I'll "wake up" inside my dream once I begin lucid
dreaming, and then think the world I woke up into is the real world, only to realize after waking up for real, that I was still asleep. Maybe it's
the mind's way of keeping me asleep, since I do usually wake up fairly quickly after I become lucid.
I also wake up a lot more during the night since lucid dreaming, even if I don't become lucid in the dream. I usually wake up 3-4 times throughout
the night, each time remembering pretty well the dream I had. I'm getting quite good at dream recall, even weeks or months later. Hopefully in a few
years I'll really be able to take advantage of lucid dreaming.
The last lucid dream I had, where my hand became a fractal, was a pretty crazy one. I was in my bedroom, looking out my window over a city landscape
(which is not the view from my window) and saw a nuclear explosion a few miles off in the distance. In my dream, I was terrified, and was thinking
"this cannot actually be happening" which is where the hand-trick came into play, I looked at my hands and saw a fractal hand, and instantly
realized I was dreaming, and was no longer scared, and just kind of observed everything that was going on.
The buildings around me had all been destroyed, my house was still intact however. There were some family members there, one of which attempted to
commit suicide with a revolver by shooting himself in the head. Since I was lucid this was not frightening to me as I knew it was a dream, but found
myself attempting to help that family member kill himself after the gun failed to fire, which, upon waking up, seemed like a VERY odd thing to do.
Perhaps some underlying aggression towards this person or something, who knows.
Anyway, sorry for the ramblings, my main topic I wanted to get to the bottom of was the hands thing, so I got a little off track heh.