posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 10:44 AM
"The primary goal of Atlantis' flight was to deliver a year's worth of supplies to the station in case NASA's newly hired cargo suppliers, Space
Exploration Technologies and Orbital Sciences Corp, encounter delays preparing their new vehicles for flight."
A year's worth of supplies? That's not normal. I mean, I understand that they are trying to "stock up" incase the newly hired cargo supplies encounter
delays, but it sounds strange. Is it possible that the ISS is being used as a ark of sorts for the forecasted calamities on Earth? Maybe astronauts
will be stationed there for the next year to monitor and ride out the upcoming storm? It seems odd that NASA would cancel the shuttle program without
confidence in their new partners ability to deliver supplies.
Why is every mission so secret? Is National Security the answer to every question?
This and many other details about the mission and what's currently going on at NASA seem very odd. Preparedness videos for the employees, mass
layoffs, and the shuttle retiring? What's going on?
edit on 21-7-2011 by bookmandh2 because: Added Txt