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Found a book called Morals & Dogma

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posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:05 AM
Morals & Dogma?!? Hmmm…
I know this one!

K. Here goes…

M = Man /Head
O = Ox /Tail
R = Ram /Horns (Disguised As Uraeus)
Æ = Æagle /Wings
L = Lion /Body
S = Snake /Head, Body, And Tail (Adorned On Uraeus)

Q: What Has 2 Heads, 2 Bodies, 2 Tails, 2 Wings, 2 Horns?
A: “M.O.R.Æ.L.S.”

Note: The Riddle Of The Sphinx Is: “I Came! I Saw! I Conquered!”

D = Dead (The Honor)
Œ = Œmbalm (The MORÆLS)
G = Gods ( Bully, Coward, Thief, Liar, Joker, Whore, Drunkard, Beggar, Proud) 9*
M = Mummify (The Veil Of Shame)
Æ = Æxtract (The Mind)

Q: What Has: 1 Life And 9 Deaths
A: “D.O.G.M.A.”

Note: The Riddle Of Anubis Is: “I Followed! I Fell! I Failed!"
“Morals & Dogma”

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by leemann123

Read it OP, its kinda difficult read, but it opens your eyes to Albert pike being a good man instead of the satan worshipper he is so often called here on ATS. He says nothing whatsoever about the Masons taking over the world I dont know where people get that rubbish from.

posted on Sep, 4 2012 @ 06:07 PM
Morals & Dogma?!? Hmmm…
I know this one!

K. Here goes…
“Sphinx” pronounced: Saving Us! (S+Phin+X = Saving Us)

M = Man /Head
O = Ox /Tail
R = Ram /Horns (Disguised As Headress)
Æ = Æagle /Wings
L = Lion /Body
S = Snake /Head, Body, And Tail (Adorned As Uraeus)

Q: What Has 2 Heads, 2 Bodies, 2 Tails, 2 Wings, 2 Horns?
A: “M.O.R.Æ.L.S.”

Note: The Riddle Of The Sphinx Is: “I Came! I Saw! I Conquered!”
“Anubis” pronounced: An Abyss! (An+U+Bis = An Abyss)

D = Dead (The Honor)
Œ = Œmbalm (The MORÆLS)
G = Gods ( Bully, Coward, Thief, Liar, Joker, Whore, Drunkard, Beggar, Proud) 9*
M = Mummify (The Shame)
Æ = Æxtract (The Mind)

Q: What Has: 1 Life And 9 Deaths
A: “D.Œ.G.M.Æ.”

Note: The Riddle Of Anubis Is: “I Followed! I Fell! I Failed!"
“Morals & Dogma"


edit on 4-9-2012 by Pinocchio because: Morals & Dogma & Pinocchio

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
... Additional insight by taking the Degrees can provide further Light, but are not necessary...

Can you tell me why you use the illumination metaphor? I'm just curious. I feel like I've seen masons do this a lot. I do understand that illumination is a concept related to and associated with revelation. As an analogy I suppose that just makes sense -- I'm just wondering if there is additional symbolism, or connections I'm not seeing.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Masonic Light

Originally posted by The GUT
Yes, read it, and you will learn that Masons--at least Albert Pike--really do believe in a one-world government and that Masons will be the stewards of that system because they are the possessor's of superior knowledge.

Pike is quite clear in his book that Masons should be loyal to their own individual nations, providing that such nations were not tyrannical. This precludes Pike being in favor of a "one world government".

A question to Masons: Do y'all believe, as Pike did, that a one world system set up on Masonic principles and governed by Masons to be a worthy goal?

As mentioned above, Pike did not believe in a "one world system". Nor did he ever advocate one, nor did he ever any mention one.

As an aside. for those interested, Pike's Morals and Dogma can be read in full here:
edit on 20-7-2011 by Masonic Light because: (no reason given)

Thank you,

Reading now.....

The Rat.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 05:51 AM

Originally posted by iwilliam

Originally posted by Mirthful Me
... Additional insight by taking the Degrees can provide further Light, but are not necessary...

Can you tell me why you use the illumination metaphor? I'm just curious. I feel like I've seen masons do this a lot. I do understand that illumination is a concept related to and associated with revelation. As an analogy I suppose that just makes sense -- I'm just wondering if there is additional symbolism, or connections I'm not seeing.

In masonry, we equate light with knowledge. So when we seek light, we are seeking knowledge.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 06:56 AM

Originally posted by network dude
In masonry, we equate light with knowledge. So when we seek light, we are seeking knowledge.

Except for networkdude's case in which it is Lite, as in Miller (or Bud), that he seeks.

Let him who is without beer drink the first tea.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 03:28 PM

Originally posted by AugustusMasonicus

Originally posted by network dude
In masonry, we equate light with knowledge. So when we seek light, we are seeking knowledge.

Except for networkdude's case in which it is Lite, as in Miller (or Bud), that he seeks.

Let him who is without beer drink the first tea.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 03:39 PM
reply to post by AugustusMasonicus

It's Bud. Miller is Naaaaaasty! (in Cleveland voice)

But as you said, noting beats a freshly steeped Lipton on ice!

I know you are jealous. They don't make good tea up north.

posted on Sep, 5 2012 @ 07:48 PM

I love you guys....

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by leemann123
So I was going through my garage last night and I found a book called Morals & Dogma. My grandfather was a mason, the scottish rite or whatever (Masonry isn't my strongest subject) It said it was written by Albert Pike and that this copy was published in 1953. I've started to flip through it, it's pretty interesting. So I ask you ATS, what should I do with it? It says to be returned to the masons upon death of owner, but I think i'm gonna keep it.

I would keep it and study it if i were you,i remember coming across one a few years ago,i did not have any expectations of it,heard the conspiracy about it and i remember thinking while reading it,this is a profoundly beautiful book,the writing and what was being said just rang true,my favourite part is the bit on the 32nd degree but im sure there are people that know it better than i.I was impressed i must say...hopefully you are too
edit on 6/9/12 by lostgold because: missing letter

posted on Sep, 6 2012 @ 02:14 PM

Originally posted by lostgold
this is a profoundly beautiful book,the writing and what was being said just rang true,my favourite part is the bit on the 32nd degree but im sure there are people that know it better than i.I was impressed i must say...hopefully you are too
Yes, the "secret" of the 32nd degree is mindblowing (and not particularly secret).

posted on Sep, 8 2012 @ 10:05 PM
It's an interesting book by it's really tedious

posted on Sep, 19 2012 @ 08:22 AM
To the original poster - if you want a good companion book to Morals and Dogma I would recommend A Bridge To Light. It's the book that's given to newly minted Scottish Rite brothers in many valleys these days. You can find a copy here:

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